Milei announces cuts in social benefits for 27000 people

Milei announces cuts in social benefits for 27,000 people

Measure aims to save 2 billion pesos. The government justifies the measure with irregularities among the beneficiaries, which is met with criticism

Javier Milei

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247 The Milei government announced on Saturday (20) the decision to cut the social benefits of 27,208 people registered in the Potenciar Trabajo and Potenciar Empleo (Improving Work and Strengthening Employment, in free translation) programs. The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, justifies the measure with irregularities among the beneficiaries. The estimated savings from this cut reach the mark of 2 billion pesos, which is equivalent to about R$ 12 million, emphasizes Metrópoles.

Since the rise of ultraright Javier Milei to the country's leadership in December last year, Argentina has been the scene of drastic changes in its economic policies. Milei, known for his position against the expansion of social benefits, implemented a number of measures, one of the first being the Urgency Necessity Decree (DNU), which enabled the country's economic deregulation.

However, the DNU is encountering resistance and criticism of the Argentine government is being expressed both in the legal sector and through popular demonstrations. In response to the protests, the government announced the withdrawal of social benefits for participants, sparking debates about the balance between the right to demonstrate and ensuring freedom of movement throughout Argentine territory.

Last Friday (19), the Milei government presented a proposal to amend the “Omnibus Law”, a comprehensive project with 664 articles that addresses various issues, including the privatization of companies. However, for the text to be approved, a coordination process between the executive and legislative branches is required.