Visionary obsessed Enzo Bleze the Frenchman who wants to revolutionize

“Visionary”, “obsessed”: Enzo Bleze, the Frenchman who wants to revolutionize space transport – Le Parisien

It is the story of a young Frenchman, a little obsessed, who comes to the United States with dreams of space in his head and, with charisma, courage and knowledge, manages to put together a dream team to build the rocket of tomorrow. Not trustworthy? Too big ? Sewn with white thread? However, this scenario is not a single one: it is the stratospheric fate of Enzo Bleze, a 21-year-old French UFO who follows his path in the jungle of the American New Space.

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If we follow the Hollywood metaphor, he sees himself in more of a “Blues Brothers” version of space conquest. Instead of traveling across America to re-form a musical group, his three-year adventure involved bringing together veterans of the space industry and raising money to launch a heavy, modular rocket into space. Beyond the storytelling that is inherent in every start-up, the young man from Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) wants to go fast and high with HStar Space Transport. “Our rocket will be able to fly beyond low Earth orbit Cargo, satellites and around twenty passengers to a space station or a tourist flight,” explains the precocious entrepreneur, who met in Las Vegas.