1667091075 Milka Rodriguez has a new home in Ireland

Milka Rodríguez has a new home in Ireland

Milka Rodríguez has a new home in Ireland Instagram

Milka Rodríguez and her fiancé.

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Saturday 29 October 2022 – 00:00

Believes that the impossible is what is not attempted

Milka Rodríguez is a woman who affirms her faith in God and is successful in both personal and professional life.

The model has been living in Dublin, Ireland for more than nine years, where she moved to study English, but alongside her studies she smiled at love and with that her dreams come true.

The Colonense jumps for joy and reveals that she has been given the keys to her new home, with which she believes the only impossible is what is attempted.

“Thank God he opened the necessary doors. Every step we take makes me happy because as a woman I can contribute to anything, we deserve the whole world,” she said.

Rodríquez also motivated women to improve, to love one another, to grow so that they have the opportunity to choose what they want in life and not have to depend on others.

In the words of thanks, those dedicated to her beloved could not be missing. “You are the most beautiful, I love you with all my might, thank you for seeing me with your own eyes of love, for being a gentleman and understanding that God comes first in everything,” Milka said.

There the former Big Brother managed to position himself in one of the model academies.

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