Mysterious earth charges The community is being taken hostage protests

Mysterious earth charges: “The community is being taken hostage!” protests the mayor of Oka

Many citizens of Oka, on the outskirts of Kanesatake, have photographed trucks dumping dozens of dirt from Montreal, Laval and surrounding areas Monday through Friday.

According to our information, the soil will be transported to six locations on the edge of Lac des Deux-Montagnes.

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Many Mohawk citizens have expressed concern in social media posts, wondering what the land contains or whether it is contaminated.

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According to sources consulted by TVA Nouvelles, Kanesatake's environmental agency even received threats to prevent them from doing their work and analyzing the soil being transported.

The mayor of Oka reacted on Sunday. He is asking Quebec to intervene immediately.

“That he [le gouvernement] Put his pants on, let him act. There is a community that is currently being held hostage and the government is turning a blind eye. This is what is happening now,” protests Pascal Quevillon, mayor of Oka.

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“Even if this land is not considered contaminated by the suppliers who transport the soil there, it is still land that will end up in Lac des Deux-Montagnes during the spring flood,” fears the mayor, in this context recalls that the current situation raises environmental issues.

However, TVA Nouvelles learned that it was filler earth intended, for example, for earthworks.

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Entrepreneur Dany Duchaine of Excavation

“Before we receive all soil, regardless of whether it is a trip, we require soil reports from all contractors looking to transport soil to a site; “These soil reports are evaluated by another independent laboratory,” he explains.

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“I'm not going to close this, the trucks are coming, they're being chased by the police, they're being chased by the road inspectors, they're not overloaded, they don't have contaminated material, they respect the laws… », he explains it again .

Brilliant stroke

On Wednesday, a citizen demonstrated against these burdens; Brent Etienne lay on the ground to prevent a truck from passing. The demonstration scene took place at Rang du Milieu in Mohawk Territory.

Mr Etienne was not injured, but the scene shows the high tensions between certain residents and truck drivers.

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The truck was transporting stones and had received the necessary permits for passage from the Kanesatake Environmental Agency, Grand Chief Victor Bonspille confirmed to TVA Nouvelles.

The Grand Chief expressed concern about the strain on the earth; In particular, he fears that the spills will have a damaging impact on the water of Lac des Deux Montagnes and therefore on the surrounding communities.

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Mr. Bonspille also lamented the brilliance of Brent Etienne. According to him, Mr. Etienne did this to “restore the trust of the community,” which is currently divided by internal tensions.

In this regard, the Grand Chief said that following a vote in the community, Mr. Etienne is no longer chairman of the band council. Brent Etienne claims the opposite.

The two men are at odds and accuse each other of being responsible for the fragmentation of the band council.

For all the details, listen to Yves Poirier's report in the video at the beginning of the article.