Henry Mentana and Marco Travaglio in dispute, between the exchange of mutual hits. All “fault” of the professor Alessandro Orsini, which in the Fatto Quotidiano had included the director of Tg La7 among the “dominant media” and the “irresponsible” simply because he had given space to pro-American information (obviously in his opinion). The moderator, angered by the sociologist’s press complaints, wrote to his colleague to exercise his right of reply. She came out a scufflewith Travaglio taking the side of Orsini.
Mentana against Travaglio after Orsini’s article
“Dear Marco, I read an article by Alessandro Orsini in the newspaper you run, which literally says that “the dominant media supported this extremist line von Biden and the narrative that Russia is a very weak state with a cardboard army. Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, La Stampa, Il Foglio, Libero, Il Giornale, L’Espresso, Radio 24, Enrico Mentana and many others irresponsible they competed to support this grotesque representation of reality’…” lamented the director of Tg La7 in a correction to the Travaglio newspaper.
“Mr Orsini is of course called upon to answer for this offensive fakefrom which your newspaper wishes to distance itself, on the paradoxical choice of ‘dominant medium‘ of the undersigned, director of news on the network, whom you know well,” concluded Mentana, urging his colleague to distance himself from the university professor’s questionable portrayal. The highlight is that the director of Fact not only disregarded this request but now seized it but herself a party for the sociologist his columnist Time before.
Travaglio responds and defends Prof
“Dear Enrico, we have published and continue to publish about the war opinions very different, even opposite. Mine is closer to Professor Orsini’s than yours, also because his corresponds better to the increasingly dramatic reality. But I see no reason why that is controversycertainly tough, needs to end up in court,” Travaglio commented in his own newspaper. Finally, the journalist added a rather emblematic postscript to his colleagues: “Do not underestimate your weight, and not only quantitatively for the hundreds (or thousands? ) of marathon hours about the war, in the panorama of television information: if you don’t ‘Dominant‘ you, who is that?”.
Orsini’s positions have caused friction in the past, including within Fatto. The historical co-founder of the newspaper, Furious Columbus, for example, he had just left the newspaper in contradiction to the professor’s line expressed on these pages. In this case, too, the director had defended the sociologist from the attacks of his colleague, who had denounced to Fatto the creation of a “pro-Russian climate”.