Orca attacks and devours the great white shark39s liver

Orca attacks and devours the great white shark's liver

Orca attacks and devours the great white shark's liver Orca attacks and devours the great white shark's liver. Image: Reproduction/YouTube

In an interview with BBC News, scientists emphasized that the images were impressive. Luke Rendell, a marine mammal scientist at the University of St. Andrews, explained that the great white shark is an important food source for orcas. “It is not surprising that in some populations where these sharks are present in sufficient numbers, orcas have learned to take advantage of this opportunity,” he says.

It's not the first time scientists have seen whales attacking sharks in the region. In 2022, drones captured images of the whale Starboard and its companion Portbord hunting. The researchers explained that by this point, the animals had already shown “a preference for obtaining and consuming shark liver,” which is rich in nutrients.

This June 2023 attack in particular was described by scientists as “lonely.”. In the study, researchers emphasized that the other orca, Port, was observed about 100 meters away but was not involved in the attack.

On the other hand, the next day a second carcass of another disemboweled great white shark (this one measuring 3.55 m) washed ashore nearby.

Scientists told the BBC that they still can't say what motivates this whale behavior. However, Towner believed that “human activities such as climate change and industrial fishing are putting significant pressure on the oceans.”