Petition calls for Queen Elizabeths Scepter Diamond to be returned

Petition calls for Queen Elizabeth’s Scepter Diamond to be returned to South Africa

Photo: Portal

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II and all eyes on Britain, South Africa is urging the royal family to return the world’s largest cut diamond, which sits on one of the monarch’s sceptres. For this reason, a petition has been opened demanding the return of the jewel to be placed in a South American museum, and almost 7,000 people have already signed the document.

Known as the Great Star of Africa, or Cullinan I, the gem was gifted to the family in 1905 during British rule, according to the Time Out website. However, critics of the monarchy claim that the diamond would have actually been stolen from the country.

This debate about who is the true owner of the mineral is permeating the country, in addition to discussions surrounding other gems, according to the site.

“The Cullinan Diamond must be returned to South Africa with immediate effect. Minerals from our country and other countries continue to benefit Britain at the expense of our people,” said activist Thanduxolo Sabelo.

the diamond

The stone was presented to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom in 1907, according to the Royal Collection Trust. It had been discovered two years earlier in a private mine in South Africa. The diamond weighs approximately 3,106 carats in its natural form, and the original diamond is said to have been the size of a human heart. Although it was never put up for sale, it is believed to be worth more than R$2 billion.

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