Plane crashed intentionally Youtuber Trevor Jacob

Plane crashed intentionally: Youtuber Trevor Jacob…

US authorities accuse Trevor Jacob of obstructing the investigation. He staged the jump from the small plane to increase the reach of his YouTube channel.

For intentionally shooting down the plane because of a high number of clicks, a US YouTuber can face up to 20 years in prison. Pilot Trevor Jacob posted a spectacular video of the crash and its aftermath on YouTube, which has been viewed more than three million times. As US authorities announced on Thursday (local time), he staged the accident and then obstructed the investigation.

Filming himself using a selfie stick, Jacob, now 29, parachuted from the plane that crashed through dense vegetation in Los Padres National Park, California, in November 2021. Cameras mounted throughout the aircraft captured the seemingly out-of-control single-engine plane’s descent and crash.

Helplessness was also filmed

Viewers of Jacobs were also able to see how the pilot climbed over the wreckage of his plane after the crash and discovered, apparently disappointed, that the water supplies he had packed were no longer there. Jacob showed him wandering the forests and hills in search of help, repeatedly telling how thirsty he was and how helpless he felt.

When he finally stops at a water source, a vehicle appears in the footage and saves the rider just in time before nightfall.

Plane dismembered and thrown into garbage cans

The FAA opened an investigation into the crash and instructed Jacob not to dispose of the plane’s wreckage. The pilot told authorities he didn’t know where the wreckage was, but according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles, two weeks after the crash, he and a friend rescued the wreckage from the forest by helicopter. He had already backed up the data from the onboard cameras.

Contrary to official orders, according to the investigation, Jacob cut his plane into small pieces and threw them in garbage cans in and around the Lompoc City airport. Jacob has since admitted that he wanted to obstruct the federal authorities’ investigation and that he previously lied when he reported a plane crash. The FAA revoked his pilot’s license in April.

Jacob agreed with prosecutors to plead guilty to vandalism and obstructing the investigation. The court case is expected to begin in the coming weeks. If convicted, the pilot faces up to 20 years in prison.

Unconvincing attempt to start the engine again

Apparently, Jacob made some mistakes in staging the accident. Several pilots and flight experts pointed out that Jacob failed to take even the simplest steps to restart the accident-prone plane’s engine. Others noted that Jacob could have made a safe landing while gliding. It is also extremely unusual for a pilot in a small aircraft to carry a parachute on his back just in case.