Priest and his partner arrested for trafficking Viagra on a

Priest and his partner arrested for trafficking Viagra on a dating app

Scandal in Spain. A priest and his partner were arrested by the Civil Guard at their home in Don Benito after being accused of something Viagra trade and other aphrodisiacs. According to local media such as El Mundo, authorities found “lots of stimulating material” in his house. According to El Tiempo, these would also have been sold to several people via a dating app.

The investigation into the case is not yet complete. Police officers said they found more than 3,000 euros in cash and two kilos of mephedrone, a stimulant and entactogenic drug. According to the report shared by La Sexta, the priest contacted consumers through the application and his partner was dedicated to distribution, although the former also supported him on certain occasions.

YOU CAN SEE: Taking Viagra could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in men, according to a recent study

Announcement of the Bishopric of Plasencia

The diocese of Plasencia decided to arrest the priest of the parish of San Sebastián. “I regret the events described because of the pain, suffering and scandal they entail,” he said in a statement. Likewise, the diocese claims to be waiting to receive “more information than that published by the media about the arrest of a priest” in Don Benito.

“We are waiting for the facts to be clarified as the investigation is still ongoing,” emphasized the episcopate. “I will follow its development closely, with care and respect for the people involved,” he added in his statement, according to EFE.

Priest and his partner arrested for trafficking Viagra on a The priest belonged to the parish of San Sebastián. Photo: El Pais

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What is Viagra and what does it do?

Viagra is a popular drug known by the generic name Sildenafil Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its sales began in 1998.

The “blue pill” it is not recommended for minors, nor for men who have serious heart problems or do not have sexual problems. Remember that Viagra can cause headaches, nausea and dizziness.

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Viagra could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in men, according to a study

Current research highlights the potential of Sildenafil or Viagra in preventing Alzheimer's and represents an important advance in the fight against this neurodegenerative disease. This study, published in the renowned journal Neurology, sheds light on the effects of the drug originally developed to treat erectile dysfunction could have significant applications in reducing the risks associated with Alzheimer's disease.

The finding that sildenafil could Reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in men by 18% What is particularly noteworthy is that they use it. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) report, this suggests a novel and potentially revolutionary approach to preventing a disease that affects around 60 million people worldwide.

Research being conducted in the UK offers hope for repurposing drugs previously only considered for other diseases. By improving blood circulation, sildenafil could provide neuroprotective benefits or improve brain mechanisms in a way that reduces the onset of Alzheimer's disease.