Prince Andrew39s ex wife Sarah Ferguson suffers from skin cancer

Prince Andrew's ex-wife Sarah Ferguson suffers from skin cancer – TVA Nouvelles

Prince Andrew's ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, who recently underwent breast cancer surgery, is suffering from “malignant melanoma,” a skin cancer, her spokesman said Sunday.

• Also read: After her mastectomy, Sarah Ferguson reveals the nickname she gave her breasts

• Also read: Disgraced Prince Andrew is expelled from Buckingham Palace

“After being diagnosed with an early form of breast cancer this summer, Sarah, Duchess of York, has just learned that she has malignant melanoma,” the spokeswoman said in a statement.

It was discovered during tests ordered by a dermatologist when Sarah Ferguson, 64, was due to undergo reconstructive surgery following a mastectomy.

One of the moles removed and examined “was identified as cancerous,” the spokesperson said, adding that despite the bad news, the duchess “remains in good spirits.”

“She believes her experience shows the importance of checking the size, shape, color and texture, as well as the appearance of new moles, which can be a sign of melanoma,” he added.

“Fergie,” the ex-wife of Prince Andrew, who fell from grace after sexual abuse allegations ended in a financial settlement, continues to share a mansion near Windsor Castle with King Charles’ brother.

If the Duchess of York is no longer one of the active members of the royal family, the information about her new illness comes a few days after the hospitalization of Princess Kate, 42 years old, wife of Prince William, who suffered from a mysterious “abdominal injury” during surgery and canceled all official engagements until at least the end of March while he recovers.

William, heir to the throne, has also relaxed his schedule to stay with his children and support his wife.

King Charles III, 75, must undergo surgery next week for a benign prostate enlargement, which also requires a “short convalescence period”.