Prince Harry will be the first British king in 130

Prince Harry will be the first British king in 130 years to take the witness stand; Defendant’s attorney describes claim as “trivial” and “nearly non-existent”

Prince Harry

Andy Stenning/Getty Images

As Prince Harry prepares to become the first senior British royal in 130 years next month to take a witness stand in the courtroom, his case has drawn criticism from his legal opponents.

Harry is suing the Mirror newspaper group in the UK, alleging they engaged in illegal activities to collect stories about him between 1991 and 2011. This claim is “hardly to non-existent”. The publisher denies the allegations.

The Times reports that the publisher’s attorney, Andrew Green KC, told the court that the evidence on call data to support phone hacking allegations was “meagre to non-existent” and that many of the stories it contained contained a “stunning degree of triviality”.

Harry is among a group of high-profile figures – as many as 100, not all by name – who are suing the Mirror Group for alleged phone hacking, deception and other illegal means of publishing stories.

Harry fights lawsuits on many fronts. As well as his expected court date for that lawsuit next month, he is also suing the publishers of the Chron and The Sun in the UK over similar alleged past crimes. He is also suing the UK Home Office over the amount of taxpayer-funded personal security he believes he is entitled to after his family moved to Los Angeles in 2020.