Progress in providing compensation to victims of conflict in Colombia

Progress in providing compensation to victims of conflict in Colombia

Bogotá, January 2 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian government, through the Victims Unit, made 163,314 administrative compensation transfers to people affected by armed conflict in 2023, the Presidency reported today.

According to the official website, the amount is approximately 1.4 trillion (million) pesos, which would be equivalent to approximately $360 million at current exchange rates.

The statement said that this figure exceeds the organization's annual target of 105,000 administrative compensations and is expected to meet the commitments made in the National Development Plan during the four-year period, which provides for the compensation of 600,000 victims.

“The 163,314 administrative compensation transfers that we have provided are a historic result that not only exceeds the goal of the National Development Plan and the Action Plan, but also breaks all the records that the company has achieved since its existence,” explains the head of the Victims Unit, Patricia Tobón .

The official added that the transfers helped compensate 143,602 new people and demonstrated the viability of the government's goals.

As detailed, to advance the payment of these reparations, the transformation of the Victims' Reparations Fund through an internal restructuring was crucial, resulting in the monetization of paramilitary assets amounting to more than 28 billion pesos (currently approximately seven million 200,000 dollars). exchange rate).

Tobón also emphasized that the unit will have a budget of 4.4 billion pesos (about 1,131 million dollars) in 2024, which will mean great progress in bridging the rift with victims.

Of this, 3.4 billion pesos (more than $874 million at the exchange rate) are earmarked for repair processes, he explained.
