Pull the dog by car: the video that caused outrage on social media Velvet Pets

One person drags the dog while the car is tied with a rope. Images that are causing outrage on social media and beyond. Here’s what happened.

Pull the dog by carPull the dog by car (Credits: Twitter-Rajesh Sahu) – Velvetpets.it

Sometimes people can be very cruel towards people they consider inferior, such as animals. Dogs in particular have difficulty defending themselves and therefore feel justified in inflicting violence on them. This happened in India where a person posted a video in which another person can be seen dragging the dog with the car. The dog is tied with a rope and the images are heartbreaking. But this person didn’t get away with it, there were people around him who reacted very badly when they saw this episode. Let’s try to better understand the details and epilogue of this story.

Pull the dog by car: the video that caused outrage on social media

As expected, we’re there IndiaTo Jodhpur. However, the episode was not limited to this area, but the whole world could see what was happening. One person took a video of him riding his scooter right behind the car and then posted it on Twitter with the profile @Rajesh Sahu.

exhausted dog Exhausted Dog (Credits: Twitter-Rajesh Sahu) – Velvetpets.it

You can clearly see that it is a medium-sized dog with a white-brown color tied to the car with a rope from his neck. This car is pulling him along at high speed and he can’t help but try to run as fast as possible.

The person filming overtook the car and then cut in front of it to prevent it from continuing the race. The priority was to get the dog relief. There was a driver behind the wheel Physician.

Unbelievable how a person with such a fundamental and noble mission to society could do something like this to a poor, defenseless dog. The man defended himself by saying he just wanted to get the stray dog ​​out of his house, but those words weren’t enough to stop him the crowd that gathered in defense of the animal.

Dog tied to car Dog tied to car (Source: Twitter-Rajesh Sahu) – Velvetpets.it

The first people thought about it immediately release the dog and to call oneAssociation that he could take care of him. It was then learned that the animal had reported injuries multiple fractures and leg injuries.

Then the doctor took a big risk because the anger towards him was so great. The association has published the name of the doctor involved in this horrific incident, ensuring that there will be criminal consequences.

It couldn’t be otherwise. We remember that Mistreating and abandoning an animal is a crime. The doctor could have made a different choice and called the nearest club himself and alerted them to the presence of a stray near his house.

Instead, she consciously chose to harm him. It is unacceptable. We hope that there will be fewer and fewer episodes of this kind until they are completely exhausted, so that the animals no longer have to be on guard against the evil of man.