Putin Ukraine rejected negotiations that would have ended the war

Putin: Ukraine rejected negotiations that would have ended the war

“They refused to negotiate,” the Russian president said. The Ukrainian state “could suffer an irreparable blow,” he added

Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin

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247 Authorities in Ukraine led by President Volodymyr Zelensky rejected negotiations that could have ended the war, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. “They refused to negotiate. If we had come to this, everything would have ended a long time ago, a year and a half ago,” the leader said, adding that the Ukrainian state “could suffer an irreparable blow” if it continued to resort to military actions of the Russian armed forces respond.

“This negotiation process is an attempt to encourage us to abandon the gains of the last year and a half. But that is impossible. If what is happening now continues, not only will your counteroffensive have failed, but also the…” “The initiative is in the hands of the Russian armed forces,” Putin continued at a meeting with local authorities.

According to the Russian president, “one of the main tasks” of Ukraine’s “attacks” is “to divert the attention of its own people and their sponsors from the complete failure of the socalled counteroffensive.” “Completely and absolutely [fracasso]”. “People often ask why the Kiev authorities are bombing peaceful cities and towns? […] Why do they do that? There is an answer.[ToshowtheirpeopleandtheirsponsorsthattheyareinapositiontorespondtoRussia'sactions”hesaid[ParamostraraoseupovoeaosseuspatrocinadoresquesãocapazesderesponderàsaçõesdaRússia”disse[UmihremVolkundseinenSponsorenzuzeigendasssieinderLagesindaufdieAktionenRusslandszureagieren“sagteer[ParamostraraoseupovoeaosseuspatrocinadoresquesãocapazesderesponderàsaçõesdaRússia”disse

The Russian government is against Ukrainians joining the USled North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and accuses the Americans of illegal interference in the foreign policy of some European countries.


* With information from Sputnik