Putin's threats and the risks for Italy, the expert: “Beware of psychological warfare” QUOTIDIANO NAZIONALE

Rome, January 28, 2024 – Direct: “We are actually at war but Italy doesn't want to understand it. I'm talking about, for example Energy warBecause we pay ten times more for gas.” Francesco d'ArrigoDirector of the Italian Institute for Strategic Studies, Nicolò Machiavelli, has just thought and written about the question that basically everyone asks: But when things get really bad, we are ready? We spoke to the analyst on the phonea short conversation to give the event a framework and the right name.

Putin and the psychological war against the West: For the expert, this is a very serious threat that needs to be defused

Putin and the psychological war against the West: For the expert, this is a very serious threat that needs to be defused

Director, what is the answer?

“The answer is yes. Firstly, because if we suffer an attack, they will have to deal with NATO, which during these years of war in Ukraine has strengthened all its borders with Russia. In addition, Finland and Sweden are so afraid that they will have applied for and received membership in the Atlantic Alliance.”

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Call to arms in the event of war, but who can be drafted?  Five questions for the expert

What is the real threat today?

“Today the real threat is presented by Putin's psychological terrorism Who every day, even unconsciously, Let's act as a megaphone. But the real threat also comes from nuclear submarines, from hybrid, economic, informational and terrorist warfare.”

In fact, the speech by General Sanders, the head of the armed forces in Britain, to the civilian population still resonates: They could be called upon to fight against Russia.

“If we look at his exact words in English, this is essentially what the general said The English must be ready to defend themselves. Forcibly. Great Britain is the only European country that actually supplies weapons to Ukraine. And Putin has bad teeth. Also because the UK has the most powerful fleet in the North Sea, nuclear weapons capable of hitting Moscow and nuclear submarines.”

In total?

“I absolutely do not believe that Russia would ever attack a NATO member like Italy. But I'll add straight away: Citizens believe they are “only” at peace because the rockets don't reach their homes. Incorrect. Because more torpedoes are coming, Starting with psychological warfare. And it is very serious not to be aware of it. Because you are already defeated without a shot being fired.”