QMJHL Finals I think were a bit like a dinosaur

QMJHL Finals: “I think we’re a bit like a dinosaur league” – Patrick Roy

When he considers his remparts “give that GamePatrick Roy, who lost 6-3 to the Mooseheads on Saturday, also believes the spectacle of this QMJHL Finals would be better if the teams didn’t play two games in as many days.

“I think as a league we’re a bit like dinosaurs,” the Quebec head coach commented after the game. In the sense that we don’t have to play two games in a row all the time. The show would be better if we alternated between a game day and a day off.

“I think we can do it. instead of playing [samedi]”We should have played on Sunday,” Roy continued. Especially in the final. But we’ve decided that’s the pattern, and we’re sticking with it. […] We’re going to Halifax and we’re playing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.”

The results of the first two games of the Gilles-Courteau Trophy final – the Remparts won the first game 5 to 1 – are indeed a testament to one-sided games, even if Saturday’s game was rather contested in the first and third periods.

Key moments let them sink

But the pilot of the “Red Devils” could not explain the defeat of his people by these two encounters within 24 hours.

For Patrick Roy, the ‘key moments’ were not in the Remparts’ favour.

“There are always pivotal moments in a playoff game,” he said. If Nathan Gaucher had scored at the breakaway [en première période], it would have been 3 to 0. And there, bang! It’s more like 2-1. We also had a golden chance at 2-1 and they come, bang! […] It’s 2 to 2, then 3 to 2…”

“Honestly, we didn’t make a good game,” added Roy.

“They were better than us in the tackles, we weren’t as physical, we didn’t finish our checks, we played slower in the neutral zone,” he said.