Robert Wadlow: The Greatest Man in History

In the photo, Robert poses with his parents and siblings, 1935.

Robert Wadlow was the tallest man in history according to the Guinness Book of Records. He was also known as the “Alton Giant,” translated as Alton giant.

He was 2.72 m tall and weighed 222 kg when he died at the age of 22. Its large size and continued growth in adulthood were caused by hypertrophy of the pituitary gland. The growth did not stop until its death, so it is thought that if it had lived longer it might have reached a greater height.

The same thing happened with John William Rogan, who until then held the record for the tallest person in history with a height of 2.69 m.

In the photo, Robert poses with his parents and siblings, 1935.

Wadlow's shoe (size 37 AA in the United States; size 36 in the United Kingdom or approximately size 75 in Europe) compared to size 12 in the United States.

(With information from TV Luna)