Russia Putin torpedoes fleet commanders Heavy casualties

Russia, Putin torpedoes fleet commanders: “Heavy casualties”

Another change in military leadership decided by Vladimir Putin. Russia has indeed appointed the new commanders of its Baltic and Pacific fleets. «Deputy Chief of the General Staff Vice Admiral Vladimir Vorobyov has been appointed commander of the Baltic Fleet. The relevant documents have been signed,” Russian news agency Interfax said, citing military sources. The former chief of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Viktor Liina, was put in charge of the Pacific Fleet instead. The replacement of the former chief of the Pacific Fleet, Sergei Avakyants, was announced last Thursday: Avakyants, 65, was officially deposed because he had reached retirement age, but independent media emphasized that the dismissal would result in heavy losses for the fleet under the leadership of Avakyants allegedly suffered in Ukraine. Avakyants had commanded Starfleet since 2012 and were redirected to lead a new military training and patriotism education organization.

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