Save his little sister from the kidnapper with a slingshot

Save his little sister from the kidnapper with a slingshot: a 14 year old hero prevents the worst with a self made weapon and succeeds

He saw that little sister 8 year old in danger and didn’t think twice about it. He grabbed his loop craft and began to punch with all the strength he had, a man he wanted kidnap the little one. This happened in a Michigan forest, where a 14-year-old defended himself as best he could Sister of the hijackerwhich causes him to run away.

The girl wants to leave him, he kills her in the car and then cuts off her head

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As reported by insiderPolice reported that the attempt kidnapping was taken last Wednesday, May 10th, at a home in Alpena County, Michigan. The little girl was looking for mushrooms in her garden when a young man came out of the woods, grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth.

But the attacker, a 17-year-old, had not reconciled himself to the character of the little girl’s older brother. The teenager grabbed his slingshot and began hitting him hard and repeatedly in the chest with very precise blows. And the kidnapper had to give up his plan and fled like a devil.

Shortly thereafter, police stopped a suspect hiding in a gas station near the house with evidence wounds Injuries to the head and chest from stones thrown with the slingshot.


The minor was arrested and now it’s in Jail for attempted kidnapping and recruitment of a minor and attempted bodily harm. The judge set bail for his release from prison at $150,000. A story that touched him United States and that he “crowned” his brother hero.

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