Serrano Empire Honoree Arlindo Cruz Will Parade in Last School Car

1 of 4 Car of the Império Serrano representing the honoree Arlindo Cruz — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça Car of the Império Serrano representing the honoree Arlindo Cruz — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça

It is confirmed the participation of Arlindo Cruz, the honored, in the parade of Império Serrano, the school that opens the first night of presentations of the schools of the special group.

The Sambista’s participation was due to his health condition Arlindo suffered a stroke in 2017 with serious consequences.

Arlindo will parade in the last school car along with his wife, former flag bearer Babi, and other relatives.

The allegory depicting a bar features a huge sculpture of the sambista playing the banjo and wearing the imperial crown.

The artist’s son, also Sambista Arlindinho, will parade in the front commission choreographed by Júnior Scapin.

As the empire comes

In homage to Arlindo Cruz, Império Serrano holds its biggest carnival on the avenue. At least that’s what the carnival designer promises Alex Sousa, on his Verde e Branca de Madureira debut. He wants to win over the audience through emotion, in a double homage: Arlindo sings the Empire and the Serrinha school applauds an illustrious Imperian of the faith.

Império, who returns to the Grupo Especial this year, will be the first on Carnival Sunday (19) with the theme “Lugares de Arlindo”, not limited to Madureira, like the lyrics of his samba “O my place “, from 2007.

  • Império Serrano: Watch the action and sing the samba
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Overcoming is the word that guides the work of the school. Returning to the special group, the Império wants to show his potential and regain the splendor of other carnivals, the school born champion in 1948. Overcome his own honored one too.

“It’s a joint recovery effort. It’s a great tribute to a bulwark of empire, to the composer who signs 11 sambas plots for the school and has seven other winners to do a big carnival in other schools,” the carnival said Manufacturer.

2 of 4 Império Serrano will sing the life and work of Arlindo Cruz and his connection to Cacique de Ramos — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça/g1 Rio Império Serrano will sing the life and work of Arlindo Cruz and his connection to Cacique de Ramos — Photo : Alba Valeria Mendonça/g1 Rio

The empire will be displayed as magnificently in the height of the cars as in the scope of not only the allegories but also the costumes. Only crowns symbol of the school will be nine do not open wings. Allegory, by the way, which will have three chassis and 50 meters in length. The greatest wing opener in Empire history, also featuring 11 articulated dragons fought by a gigantic Saint George.

“We want to be moved by the wealth that makes up the universe of Arlindo Cruz, but also to have an impact on the public, to bring back the splendor of the great carnivals when the school was always in a good position, like in the 1980s, with the work by Renato Lage,” explains Alex.

Carriage 3, which will highlight the composer’s religiosity, features a 15metretall sculpture of Xangô Arlindo’s head of Orixá the back of which is a quarry. And the car even has a waterfall.

“There’s no way not to be awesome with a multiple person like Arlindo. And we will highlight all its aspects: singer, composer, pagodeiro, batuqueiro do amor (from the romantic pagoda), author of samba enredo who married a porta Babi was never from Império but she used to work in a sister company, Mocidade, which is also green and white, has stood on parades.

3 of 4 Império Serrano will parade to the carnival with the largest floats in its history — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça/g1 Rio Império Serrano will parade to the carnival with the largest floats in its history — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça/g1 Rio

According to the carnival organizer, the intention is to make the grandeur of the action tangible and understandable to the public and, above all, to those involved, that the school is actually competing to win the 2023 carnival.

With the Empire first to hit the avenue, Alex expects the school to be packed.

4 of 4 Brilliance and detail to relive glory moments of the Serrano Empire and tell the story of an Imperian of Faith — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça/g1 Rio Brilliance and detail to relive glory moments of the Serrano Empire live and tell the story of an Emperor of Faith — Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça/g1 Rio

Friends and associates of Arlindo will accompany the entire parade, from the start of his career in the Cacique de Ramos block to the present day. The family will be in the final allegory, as will the prizewinner.

“It’s a beautiful storyline for everyone. Arlindo is a great figure, admired in the empire, in the music, in our culture, he deserves all the tributes that will bring back the dignity and pride of the components. Emotion and for a great samba ” , Alex was happy about his debut in Império Serrano.

Sing Samba:

Samba selection: Império Serrano