She changes her will and leaves her assets to her

She changes her will and leaves her assets to her pets

A Chinese millionaire, disappointed by the behavior of her children who abandoned her, changed her will and left her fortune to her dogs and cats.

The Shanghai woman was unable to rely on her children's presence for a time during her illness and claimed that it was her pets that provided her with valuable comfort during her recovery.

That's why she decided to leave her estimated fortune of 20 million yuan (about $3.8 million) to her dogs and cats, France Live reported on Sunday, citing the South China Morning Post.

Since it is not possible to pay money to animals, the Chinese woman quickly found a solution and decided to bequeath her assets to a veterinary clinic that takes care of her dogs and cats.

“We advise him to appoint a trustworthy person to supervise the veterinary clinic to ensure that the animals are properly cared for,” an official at the country’s Will Registration Center told the local newspaper.

If the Chinese woman does not change her mind, her children will not see a single cent of the fortune of their mother, who returns money to them with this, to say the least, unexpected decision.