Sleeping with a thick blanket can help you produce more

Sleeping with a thick blanket can help you produce more melatonin

People are increasingly trying to understand what processes increase the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for creating it Sleepiness. If so, we’re happy to announce it sleep using a very heavy blanket will help your body produce this substance! Read this new study and see why.

Read more: Infallible Rituals to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Why is a weighted blanket more beneficial for sleep?

The claim that there is a link between blankets and melatonin production came through an article published in the Journal of Sleep Research. To arrive at this result, the researchers invited 26 volunteers to sleep in a laboratory for a few nights to observe their behavior.

The proposal in question stipulated that participants should go to bed at 10 p.m., but that the lights would not go out until 11 p.m. Participants would be given either a lighter or heavier blanket, so the scientists would analyze melatonin production on both occasions.

Throughout the night, the scientists collected saliva every 20 minutes to map melatonin levels. This showed that volunteers wrapped in heavy blankets had, on average, about 32% more melatonin than participants using lighter blankets.

Why is this happening?

Although it has been possible to demonstrate the link between the heaviest blankets and the production of melatonin, scientists still don’t know exactly what is behind this phenomenon, but it is believed that this is because heavy blankets bring greater meaning of comfort and safety, but it is only a hypothesis.

Certainly, the study was important in finding another way to boost the natural production of melatonin. Dissemination of data has also been fundamental given the recent increase in demand for sleepinducing drugs to overcome melatonin deficiency.