Sophie Pregent gets a role in a new series directed

Sophie Prégent gets a role in a new series directed by Charles Lafortune

For the third time, the Autistic and Major Foundation hosted a fundraising evening on February 22nd. Founded by Charles Lafortune and Sophie Prégent, the organization aims to improve the quality of life and integration into society of young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many personalities accepted the invitation and $329,000 was raised.

• Also read: Annoyed, Charles Lafortune takes the stage at La Voix to deliver a message

“When we started this company, the pandemic hit, so setting up a foundation in 2020 wasn't the easiest thing to do,” Charles Lafortune told us at this fundraising evening. This project grew out of the documentary and what surprised me was that we raised our hands and people were immediately on board.” Charles is vice president of the foundation while Sophie is president. The host is also pleased with the success of “La Voix”. “This is our tenth year and ratings are close to two million viewers. I am happy! The talent is still there and it's a show I enjoy doing.” As a producer at Pixcom, he is currently working on a new project with Sophie Deraspe. “Right now it's called The Affluents, but it won't be the final title. It's an environmental thriller. We have a great cast which will be announced soon as filming will begin soon. I can announce that Sophie (Prégent) will be there.”

Sophie Prégent was very happy during this event. “This is our third fundraising evening and it is important to us. We have support from our community. There are people who are committed and donate a lot of money. Things are moving quickly at the foundation and things are coming to fruition quickly, but we are still a young organization and we are in the process of building all of this,” explained the actress. She also briefly told us about the tragedy that befell her character in Alerts. “I'm bound by professional secrecy, but she's not going to be well,” the actress said of Captain Stéphanie Duquette. She will be in a coma, but not for long.” Sophie will also soon be filming a new series, a thriller in which she will play a villain! “She is not a manipulator and a profiteer, but there are actions that need to be taken and she will take them.”

Find out more about the foundation.

SEE ALSO: Charles Lafortune answers our controversial questions