Stoltenberg in Kiev, “Ukraine’s place is in NATO” ANSA news agency

“Ukraine’s place is in the Euro-Atlantic family. Ukraine’s place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help make that possible.” This was stated by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during his surprise visit to Kiev. Stoltenberg stressed that the multi-year support initiative will help Ukraine transition from Soviet-era equipment and doctrine to NATO standards and ensure full interoperability with the alliance, calling it “a testament to the long-term commitment of Born against Ukraine.”

“We don’t know when this war will end, but we do Russian aggression is a toxic model that must be stopped. We must therefore further strengthen the Ukrainian armed forces. And we must ensure that solid and strong security arrangements are in place for Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said during his visit to Kiev. he also visited Bucha and paid tribute to the victims of Russian atrocities; He also laid a wreath at Ukraine’s War Memorial Wall, paying tribute to all those who lost their lives or were injured defending their homeland. Stoltenberg ended his visit by addressing the International Summit of Communities and Regions alongside President Zelensky. In his speech, the Secretary-General commended Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction work, saying: “Your determination to fight the aggressor, liberate your country and work towards a better future tells me that very clearly Ukraine will win”.

“I welcome NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to Kiev. This visit by Jens Stoltenberg is the first since a full-blown war: we interpret it as a sign that the Alliance is ready to go a new chapter in relationships with Ukraine, a chapter of ambitious decisions,” writes Ukrainian President Volodymyr on Telegram Zelensky Posting a video of his meeting with the NATO Secretary.

The FThe Ukrainian peace formula “is very important also as an information tool against the Russian narrative that they want peace. This is not true, and that is why we have asked many of Ukraine’s leaders, partners and allies at EU level to support this formula. Some have already signed the document in support of this formula, and even EU-level members have officially expressed their support. Therefore, I would like to ask you, Secretary General, to think about the peace formula for Ukraine at the level of the NATO countries and to support it,” said Zelenskyy in a conversation with the NATO Secretary in Kiev.

The Ukrainian president called on NATO to invite his country to join the alliance during Stoltenberg’s visit to Kiev. “Thank you for the invitation participate in the summit” in Vilnius in July“But it is important that Ukraine also receives a corresponding invitation. There is no objective obstacle preventing the adoption of political decisions on inviting Ukraine to the alliance,” he said. “It is time for appropriate decisions. The security of the Euro-Atlantic area is no longer imaginable without Ukraine and people understand that,” he said in a statement.

The Kremlin: Kiev’s NATO entry is a serious threat

Preventing Ukraine from joining NATO remains one of the goals of the Russian special military operation: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said as Interfax reported. “Otherwise there will be a serious and significant threat to our country and its security,” said Peskow, writes Interfax.

Lightning in the sky of Kyiv

“A bright flash seen in the sky over Kiev was not due to a falling satellite or a Russian missile attack. Only experts can find out exactly what it was.” The city’s military administration announced this after the air raid alarm was triggered in the capital last night and was initially attributed to the “crash of a NASA space satellite” that occurred shortly before returning to the earth stood.

The same US agency had denied and emphasized through a spokesman that the Rhessi satellite “is still in orbit. NASA and the Department of Defense continue to monitor Rhessi. No other NASA satellite has returned to the atmosphere today.”

“Around 22:00 (21:00 in Italy) a bright flare of a flying object was observed in the sky over Kiev. According to preliminary information, this phenomenon was the result of the crash of a NASA space satellite to Earth. “In order to prevent the debris from causing casualties falling to the ground, an air warning was issued. The air defense did not operate,” said the head of the military administration of Kiev, Serhiy Popko, on Telegram.

Ukraine, the sky of Kiev shines at night. It’s probably a meteorite

The alarm over the capital and the region of the same name lasted almost an hour. After the sirens, the Kyiv regional administration said “an air target has been detected in the sky” with air defense forces “on high alert”. Multiple videos later posted to social media showed the explosion of what authorities claim is NASA’s satellite.

The phenomenon has also sparked some memes on Twitter with users joking about the possibility that it was a UFO. The head of Ukraine’s presidential office initially reported on his social networks: “Don’t worry about UFOs. This is our anti-aircraft defence,” and deleted the post a few minutes later. When the alarm was over, Yermak posted a message with emojis of an antenna and a UFO.

In the hours before reports of a satellite crash in Kiev, NASA had warned that its defunct Rhessi satellite, which had been in space for more than 20 years and recorded more than 100,000 solar events, could crash to Earth on Wednesday night Thursday, but without being able to give a geographical location.

The US space agency had stressed that most of the satellite would go up in smoke on its journey back into the atmosphere, but warned that “some components” could withstand the impact.

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