Such a great love Aurora and Eros Ramazzotti the meaning

“Such a great love”. Aurora and Eros Ramazzotti, the meaning of hugging on Instagram

“Such a great love”. With a photo on Instagram aurora and Eros Ramazotti They celebrated their father-daughter bond. How many times have we seen them together, hugging, dedicating important words to each other, proud and proud of each other. Aurora, who was on vacation with her mother, Michelle Hunziker, is now with her father, and in this moment we find a much deeper meaning between them: a desire to support one another. Do not release.

Aurora and Eros Ramazzotti, the photo of the hug on Instagram

Aurora Ramazzotti has grown up. She is no longer the little girl we used to see alongside Papa Eros or Mama Michelle, but she is a woman with her dreams, ambitions and desire to find her own place in the world. After all, we’ve all been there before: an age group where we try to understand the future, building brick by brick what will be. And Aurora, in recent years by attacks and from criticism has perhaps received more than any other VIP for this reason.

We remember the rap lyrics Se non Ramazzotti by surname, in which she basically raised her voice to the sound of tones against all those who blame her luck because her parents encouraged her, “helped” her job search on television . But is it really like that? Or is it perhaps more accurate to say that they supported her like any father and mother would? there Photo of the hug on Instagram between Aurora and Eros it is one of the most beautiful of all for precisely this reason. You can see all the love, the deep affection, but also the trust. A Father Daughter Moment that goes beyond any false phrase.

Eros defends Aurora from social media attacks

They become the festival of the negative: I don’t understand why people like to use them to communicate hate and hatred,” Eros Ramazzotti’s phrase on social media is unequivocal, also referring to all the times when his daughter Aurora was the protagonist of uncomfortable moments . Because it is – and it is undeniable – the “like” attack her as “daughter of”..

“I would love to face keyboard lions who insult those who are fat, thin, tall and short! I would like to check if they are perfect. We, who are part of the glittering media world, don’t interest me that much. I take care of the girl who is mocked, the child who is bullied and suffers like dogs,” the artist pointed out during an interview with Corriere, taking his daughter’s defense but trying to show the cruelty of a world of screens and keyboards.

The special bond

Aurora, Eros and Michelle will always be one family, albeit enlarged. Despite the divorce of his parentsDespite their different paths, they never really “broke up,” and Aurora grew up loving them — such a great love, as she wrote in the caption on Instagram. It’s no coincidence that the artist wanted his ex-wife Michelle and daughter Aurora to wear an incredibly beautiful and true outfit for the video for the song Ama, in which they saw their reunion. A special bond that can never be broken and will stand the test of time and adversity. And to stop any criticism.