Tadeu emphasizes religious diversity at BBB 23: ‘All have our respect’ Splash

Moderator Tadeu Schmidt spoke to the participants of BBB 23 (Globo) today to religious diversity.

“Faith has everything to do with Mardi Gras and has a lot to do with many of you. Sapato has a huge tattoo of Jesus written on it. We see Fred Nicácio with his guide who is always praying. Gustavo prays on his knees every night,” he told the presenter after mentioning that the brothers would be watching the Vila Isabel parade.

He asked Gustavo what he was asking for in his prayers, and then asked Fred.

“I usually demand a lot of wisdom because sometimes it’s so hard to stay straight, always maintain a logical mindset and wisdom,” Fred said.

Tadeu then asked Nicácio to speak about his religion:

“I take part in traditional Yoruba worship, which is a Nigerian cult. It is a cult of nature as its main deity. Oxum the fresh water, Iemanjá the sea. The greatest manifestation of life is nature itself,” the doctor explained.

Did you notice the diversity of the house? Everyone has to put their faith and respect above everything else. All religions have our respect. All. No religion is better or worse than the other. There is no religion of good and evil. They all have the same respect, they all have our admiration. That’s how it is in Brazil and that’s how it is at the BBB. Thaddeus Schmidt

The moderator ended the conversation by wishing the brothers a lot axé.


Gustavo, Key and Cristian are accused of religious intolerance by the program audience.

This morning (20) the word “intolerance” emerged as one of the most quoted terms on Twitter.

understand what happened

Husband and wife Guskey and Cristian were chatting in the garden about Nicácio’s behavior.

  • Cristian said that by dawn, Nicácio had “done his business” in front of Gustavo and Key’s bed.
  • Key said he was scared and would press the button to end the program.
  • Cristian claimed to have prayed after seeing Nicácio.
  • The cameras from Globoplay, Globo’s streaming service, were cut and directed to a different environment.

Fred Nicácio’s team that the doctor’s religion is once again seen as something bad.

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POLL BBB 23: Who do you want to eliminate in Paredão? Poll!