The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Solace in Love During

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Solace in Love During the Capricorn Moon November 26-28, 2022

Luck in love looks a little different when the moon is in Capricorn. From November 26th to 28th, 2022, three zodiac signs will find comfort in love.

Whenever we think of comfort in love, we think of grand scenarios and lots of celebration; We’re thinking of big reveals to be shared by partners and plans for fantastic events to come.

We think with our hearts, not with our minds. Today we perceive love with our mind. Today is mental. We process our emotions mentally. We feel great love today, but we don’t have a parade for it; We just acknowledge how awesome it is, without fanfare.

This is how the Capricorn Moon affects love at this time of year.

Oh yes, there will be many of us who feel the “practical” side of love and we won’t get bored with it, in fact it will be so novel to see love as a work in progress as opposed to a mad ride through the emotions.

Today we love our love life because we see how it works, how it can continue to work and what we need to add or remove to keep it going.

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During the Capricorn Moon, not only do we agree on almost everything, we do so without making a fuss about it.

We’re not patting each other on the back or complimenting each other today. We do not flatter ourselves, nor do we test the waters.

We already know these waters and they are calm and safe. Today is the day when very few words are spoken; They are not needed. For some zodiac signs in astrology, today means sitting back and enjoying the success of a safe and loving partnership.

The three zodiac signs that find solace in love during the Capricorn Moon November 26-28, 2022,

1. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

This could be the day you stop yourself from doing something you would regret; This is the day you reconnect with your partner and make a firm decision to try again. This time, however, you are beginning the “new regime” on the Capricorn moon, and that is your best hope, right there.

Things started on this day, November 26th, have a chance of success.

The Capricorn Moon puts us on the road to success, especially when it comes to love, because it gives us a sense of what we are working with.

Do we really feel the need to fight it or even end it? Why go so far, especially when we realize how much we love the person we’re about to end it with? Today, during the Capricorn Moon, we make decisions based on reality and not on frivolous emotions and spontaneous passions.

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2. Libra

(September 23 – October 22)

You will find solace in love on this day because today is the day you will meet someone very special; This person may very well turn out to be the love of your life. Knowing you this must be a very special type of person as you are not just open to ‘everyone’.

You have your type, and while that has kept many other potential suitors away from you, seeing this new person today can make your jaw drop.

However, what makes her special to you is not her looks, but her handling of practical issues.

You admire this person for their independence and seemingly fearless approach to life in general. All you have ever wanted is a strong person to connect with and today, during the Capricorn moon, you might just find your ultimate partner.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

You never rely on things like home, but you won’t be able to deny that today is a pretty darn lucky one for you. It seems that everything is going according to your wishes, and in the spirit of “good mood” you will spread a super attractive vibe today and attract someone.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, you will come across as very appealing on the day, but with the Capricorn Moon it will not be shown to you in an obvious way.

Instead of getting compliments all day, you’ll find that you’re respected and adored.

What makes you feel safe is knowing that you’re not being snapped at or desirable; You feel safe and loved, not taken advantage of or misunderstood. You find what you seek in love today because you command respect; someone loves you for your sanity! For a shooter, this is exactly the golden ticket.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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