The Biden administration will try to maintain the program

The Biden administration will try to maintain the program

The current US administration, led by Joe Biden, stated that it would do everything possible to maintain the parole on humanitarian grounds. This is a legal migration route for residents of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Thousands have already benefited from this policy since its launch in January 2023. Blas Núñez Neto, United States Undersecretary of Homeland Security, recently highlighted the problem.

The executive stressed his government's determination to defend the program. His statements came to light during a press conference on cooperation between the United States, Guatemala and Mexico to curb irregular migration.

“We are very committed to continuing to implement this program,” the senior official stressed. Núñez Neto made it clear that the government would take strong action against possible negative decisions by the courts.

He also warned: “We will discuss next steps with our Ministry of Justice, but we are very committed to continuing to implement this program.”

Words of relief

This senior US official's words on humanitarian parole are a “balm” for thousands of migrants still waiting for answers to their cases.

All of this comes amid several rumors that it would be impossible to appeal an unfavorable decision by Judge Drew Tipton.

Since its implementation, the above-mentioned immigration program has allowed more than 357,000 people to legally immigrate to the United States. The entire process takes place under the auspices of US citizens.

Cubans, for example, represent a large number of beneficiaries, with more than 75,000 Form I-134A applications approved by Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

According to official data from the Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), more than 67,000 Cubans came to the United States in 2023 thanks to humanitarian parole.

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