Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

The crisis in Haiti brought the decline of community culture

Cultural centers that were considered intellectual and artistic oases in the heart of city neighborhoods are increasingly at risk of disappearing.

This trend worries funders and practitioners because of its impact on diversity, education and the social fabric.

The disappearance of cultural centers means the loss of spaces dedicated to artistic expression and heritage preservation, and the most regrettable thing is that this happens after they served as bridges between generations, fostering intercultural dialogue and a melting pot of ideas and created experiences.

They offered classes, workshops and conferences for all ages and were meeting places where community members could share experiences and build new relationships.

Once they disappear, gaps appear in society, leading to isolation and a loss of sense of belonging.

Cultural centers suffer from a lack of funding and competition from online entertainment via the Internet.

The decline of these communities will deprive communities of their own history and create a cultural gap that will be difficult to close, says Le National newspaper.

These are incubators for local artists as they provide spaces to exhibit their works, organize performances and interact with the public.

It is crucial to reverse this trend in order not to lose emerging talent. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the intrinsic value of cultural centers and invest in their preservation, suggests the digital edition of the newspaper.

The total disappearance of these venues will contribute to social fragmentation, giving way to anonymous spaces that lack the human warmth typical of these community institutions.
