The Rouge et Or announcers anti Quebec Solidaire comments were denounced

The Rouge et Or announcer’s anti-Quebec Solidaire comments were denounced

Laval University Rouge et Or announcer Christian Côté was criticized for making anti-Québec solidaire and pro-third-link comments at the opening of a football game at Telus Stadium on Sunday afternoon.

A situation that the managing director of Vivre en ville, Christian Savard, denounced on Twitter.

“Rouge et Or football announcer Christian Côté made an anti-Québec solidarity and pro-3rd link comment early in the game. Unacceptable for an institution like Laval University. It has overstepped the bounds and done its time. The institution has to take care of it,” he wrote in a tweet.

Support for the tram

The man, who mentions he had his season tickets to attend Rouge et Or football matches for 20 years, said he was shocked by the host’s partisan comments but recalled that during the last local election campaign the advertiser took a pro-tram position.

He also compared the situation with the announcer of the Canadians’ games in Montreal.

“As if Michel Lacroix would add political overtones to the Canadian game,” he replied to a surfer.

The organization separates

The Rouge et Or organization was urged to respond and distanced itself from comments made by its internal advertiser with less than 24 hours to go before the provincial elections.

“Obviously, the Rouge et Or does not support partisan comments,” said Julie Dionne, director of sports activities, in a written statement sent to the media.

“These interventions, always humorous, in no way represent a personal opinion of the speaker, the organization and the university,” added Julie Dionne.

She then confirmed that Christian Côté had already been met by the organization and that it would not happen again.

– With the collaboration of Simon Baillargeon

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