The wind blowing spooky palta figurine of the eco bat

The wind blowing spooky palta figurine of the eco bat: "It’s not growing anymore…"

“No more food grows.” All true. This is how the defense begins Bjork Ruggeri by Last Generation, a group on trial today for insulting the Senate. Combined with Myrta Merlin In L’Aria Che Tira, the young woman justifies her colleagues and their gesture. “I,” he explains in the Friday 12 May episode on La7, “was there physically, but I didn’t slander the Senate for that reason.” You didn’t arrest me by express, but I spent 12 hours at the police station. The facade of the Senate was not damaged and was clean the next day.

Also read: Eco rackets, disfigurement in Piazza Navona. Wrath of Sangiuliano: “Pay the damages”

For this reason, Björk would like to reiterate: “The real damage is not being done by us, but the real damage being done to the population and artistic heritage is in the hands of the different governments and the climate crisis. It’s absurd that…” The Senate often initiates a civil lawsuit against those citizens it should be representing instead. The proof? According to him, the government is investing in fossil fuels, which people are demanding “stop”. invest in their death“. How? “With Italian tax money”.

Hence the tirade: “You can’t argue why.” The food no longer growsthere is no more water.” As if food were growing. Then another brushstroke: “Conflicts will increase”. At this point it is time Alessandro Salusti to bring the activist back to reality: “A protest must have a purpose. Saving the world is a beautiful purpose and it is everyone’s purpose, but I wonder what the point of the protest is.” Even more so considering that “Western governments have been working on it for years, the world less to pollute. This is madness, there is no destination.” According to Libero’s director, the real problem lies in China and India: “It’s not that their breath stays there. Third World countries are light years behind here.”