War in Ukraine Wagners boss accuses the Russian army quotfleequot

War in Ukraine: Wagner’s boss accuses the Russian army "flee" near Bakhmout

The leader of the Russian paramilitary group says defenses “collapsed” near the Ukrainian city, while Kiev claims a breakthrough there.

The head of Russian paramilitary group Wagner Yevgeny Prigoyine on Friday accused Russian regular troops of “fleeing” their positions near Bakhmout in Ukraine, where Kiev claimed a breakthrough, believing defenses had “collapsed” and that the Russian state major “”watered down”” the situation.

“There was quite simply a flight from the Defense Ministry units on the flanks,” Evguéni Prigojine affirmed in a video published in Bakhmout on Friday.

According to him, Ukrainian forces regained control of a tank north of that city at the epicenter of fighting in eastern Ukraine and took up positions at tactical heights overlooking that city.

He also claimed that soldiers from Kiev retook the road to Chassiv Iar, further west, which had been blocked by the Russian military for several weeks.

Wagner boss accuses the Russian military of “watering down” the situation.

“Attempts by the Defense Ministry in the information sphere to dilute the situation are leading and will lead to a global tragedy for Russia,” said Yevgeny Prigoyine.

“We must stop lying immediately,” he said.

“Taking Bachmout will not do anything for Russia, because the flanks are crumbling and the front is collapsing,” he was nonetheless worried, considering that other advances by the Ukrainian army in that direction would allow Kiev, on the other hand, to encircle Wagner’s men at Bakhmout, which is currently more than 90% in Russian hands.

Moscow claims to have fended off offensives, Kiev claims advances

The withdrawal comes after the Russian army said on Friday it had repelled 26 Ukrainian attacks along a 95-kilometer front in eastern Ukraine’s Soledar sector, near Bachmout.

“All attacks by Ukrainian units were repelled. No breakthrough was allowed in the defense of the Russian Armed Forces,” the Russian Defense Ministry assured.

For its part, Ukraine assured that it had advanced two kilometers around Bachmout, while Kiev said it had been preparing a counter-offensive for several months.

Wagner’s boss has spoken out in recent days and has repeatedly accused the regular Russian army of wanting to retreat to Bakhmout. The Russian Defense Ministry was content this Friday to speak of moving units north of Bakhmout in order to “strengthen the sustainability of the defense”.

The city of Bakhmout, where most of the fighting is currently taking place, has become a symbol of the stalemate in the conflict.

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