1708039828 The witness who accused the Bidens of corruption in Ukraine

The witness who accused the Bidens of corruption in Ukraine is accused of making false statements International

The witness who accused the Bidens of corruption in Ukraine

The accuser, defendant. Special prosecutor David Weiss, who is in charge of the investigation against Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has filed charges of making false statements and obstruction of justice against a witness who served as a confidential source for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Biden made statements against him. This supposedly false statement served Republicans for years to accuse Joe Biden of corruption without evidence and led them to investigate the president for a possible political trial (impeachment).

Weiss is the prosecutor who accused Hunter Biden of allegedly illegally purchasing and possessing a gun and alleged tax crimes. However, he now accuses 43-year-old Alexander Smirnov of trying to link her to his father, the president, in connection with his statements to the FBI about Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine.

There was no evidence to support this confidential source's claims. Still, Republicans summoned Hunter Biden to the House of Representatives and voted to open a possible impeachment investigation into the president.

Although the Bidens are not named in the indictment presented by the special counsel, there is no doubt about that. It notes that it is a former confidential source who gave false information to the FBI in 2020 “about a prominent political figure and his son.” With this and other even more explicit mentions in the 37-page statement of objections, it is clear who he means.

“Despite repeated admonitions that he should provide the FBI with truthful information and not fabricate evidence, the defendant provided the FBI with false derogatory information about Officer 1, an elected official in the Obama-Biden administration who resigned from office” in January in 2017 and Businessman 1, the son of Official 1, in 2020 after Official 1 became a candidate for President of the United States of America,” the document said.

The special prosecutor's accusation undermines the main statement against Joe Biden. Prosecutors say the defendant turned his routine and non-extraordinary business contacts with the Ukrainian company Burisma into baseless bribery allegations against Joe Biden. The now accused changed his version of events, entered into contradictions and lied in order to artificially create a scandal against Biden.

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This person accused of making false statements is the person Republicans have been grasping at for years to accuse Biden of corruption. They've issued subpoenas and motions, taken depositions and, despite their insistence, still haven't found any evidence of what they're looking for. His case against Biden is now suffering a serious setback.

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