Greece approves gay marriage and adoption by same sex couples

Greece approves gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples

Polls showed that the majority of Greek citizens supported the conservative government's bill. which was also supported by four left-wing parties. The Greek Parliament has thus given the green light for the legalization of civil marriages between same-sex couples. This step represents a political milestone despite opposition from the powerful Greek Orthodox Church. Of the 254 votes cast, 176 were in favor, 76 were against and 44 abstained.

Pre-vote polls already assumed that the majority of the population would support this measure, pushed forward by the conservative executive and supported by left-wing parties. This fact is seen by the head of government as significant progress.

“This is a day of celebration because starting tomorrow we will remove another barrier that divides us, building a bridge to more harmonious coexistence in a nation of free citizens,” he said. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece.

Greece approves gay marriage and adoption by same sex couplesSome citizens supported the measure approved by Parliament. Photo: AFP

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The Orthodox Church and members of the government oppose it

From the start, the church, which has wide influence in the country, opposed the law, arguing that it would “eliminate the concepts of fatherhood and motherhood” in Greece, where the constitution still highlights Orthodox Christianity as the official religion. He even demanded that the vote in Parliament be roll call, forcing MPs to cast their votes loudly. The move was seen as an attempt to put pressure on Mitsotakis' New Democracy party, which won the June elections with an absolute majority.

Greece marks a milestone by becoming the first country in the Orthodox Christian tradition to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption by homosexual couples, with a parliamentary vote of 176 in favor, 76 against, 46 abstentions and two votes recorded as “present “were rated. The support of Syriza and Pasok, the main opposition parties, was crucial for the approval of this measure, especially since a fraction of New Democracy MPs voted against it, abstained or were not present for the vote.

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Greek politicians are happy about approval

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis celebrated this progress on Twitter, stressing that Greece is now the 16th EU country to recognize equal marriage. He also emphasized the country's commitment to human rights and its progressive, democratic and European values.

Despite challenges, including divisions within the ruling party and a lack of unanimous popular support – SKAI polls showed 46% in favor and 47% against – the law passed. The Orthodox Church, which has been critical throughout the process, had called for a roll call vote to put pressure on lawmakers.

In view of this situation, Mitsotakis called on the Church not to interfere in government affairs and advocated the separation of state and church responsibilities. He stressed that the law concerns civil marriage, which is a state matter, and has no impact on religious marriage, which falls under church jurisdiction.