There is information from Itamaraty for these countries February 15

There is information from Itamaraty for these countries February 15, 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs travelers and German citizens abroad about the security situation in various countries. Depending on the risk assessment, different instructions and recommendations may be provided. The travel warning is considered the highest danger level. We show here which countries this currently applies to.

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Current travel advisories (as of February 15, 2024)

For this Countries and regions There are travel warnings or partial travel warnings from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

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  • Afghanistan: Travel and Safety Information (Travel Advisory)
  • Egypt: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Warning)
  • Algeria: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Armenia: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Azerbaijan: Travel and safety advice (partial travel warning)
  • Ethiopia: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Advisory)
  • Belarus: Travel and safety information (travel warning)
  • Burkina Faso: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Ivory Coast: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Eritrea: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Advisory)
  • Haiti: Travel and Safety Information (Travel Advisory)
  • Iraq: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Advisory)
  • Iran: Travel and safety advice (travel advisory)
  • Israel: Travel and Safety Advice (Palestinian Territories – Gaza Strip) (Travel Advisory)
  • Japan: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Advisory)
  • Yemen: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)
  • Cameroon: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Warning)
  • Lebanon: Travel warning/request to leave the country (travel warning)
  • Libya: Travel and Safety Information (Travel Advisory)
  • Mali: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Advisory)
  • Mauritania: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Warning)
  • Mozambique: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Myanmar: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)
  • Nigeria: Travel and safety advice (partial travel warning)
  • Niger: Travel and Safety Advice (Travel Advisory)
  • Pakistan: Travel and Safety Advice (Partial Travel Warning)
  • Palestinian Territories: Travel and Safety Advice (Travel Advisory)
  • Philippines: Travel and Safety Advice (Partial Travel Warning)
  • Russian Federation: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Somalia: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)
  • Sudan: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)
  • South Sudan: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)
  • Syria: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)
  • Chad: Travel and Safety Information (Partial Travel Advisory)
  • Ukraine: Travel warning/request to leave the country (travel warning)
  • Venezuela: Travel and safety information (partial travel warning)
  • Central African Republic: Travel and safety advice (travel warning)

Information on specific information and recommendations for a country or region can be found on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

What is the difference between a travel advisory and a safety advisory?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs differentiates between travel recommendations, Security instructions It is Travel warnings or Partial travel advisories. Depending on the classification, different recommendations apply:

A Travel recommendations contains information about…

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  • specific characteristics of the country or region
  • Entry requirements
  • Customs regulations
  • criminal regulations
  • medical information

A Security warning draws attention to the risks in the country. Depending on the risk assessment, recommendations for travel restrictions or no travel may be made.

One Travel warning means that there is a real danger to life and limb in the target country or border region. If only a certain region of a country or area is affected, Itamaraty will issue an opinion Partial travel warning outside of. A travel warning should be understood as an urgent appeal not to travel to a country classified as dangerous.

When does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issue a travel warning for a country?

A travel warning is issued if there is a risk to life and limb in the country you are traveling to. This includes, among other things, wars and terrorist attacks, but also natural disasters and epidemics. When the Foreign Office issues or lifts a travel warning always depends on circumstances and developments on the ground. The security situation is reassessed daily and any advisories or travel advisories are updated accordingly.

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What does a travel warning mean for my vacation?

The Foreign Office's travel warnings are not a travel ban. The decision to travel to a country whose security status is classified as critical by the Foreign Office is the traveler's responsibility. However, the Foreign Office may ask Germans living abroad to leave the country.

If a trip does not take place, it must be clarified on a case-by-case basis with the tour operator or transport company whether and to what extent the transport and accommodation costs will be reimbursed. Ultimately, the decisive factor here is always the current legal situation and not the assessment of the security situation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If there is a travel warning from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a country, “force majeure or significant threat” is recognized in the current legal situation.

How can I find out more about the security situation in my destination country?

It is generally advisable to follow current news – even abroad. Embassies or consular offices can be points of contact for security issues. In addition to travel tips, Itamaraty also offers newsletters and an app with information, important addresses and tips for preparing trips. Those who activate push notifications receive travel and safety information directly on their smartphone.

How do I get to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

In case of emergency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be contacted by telephone 24 hours a day. You can also report concerns via a contact form on the website.

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs telephone numbers:

  • +49 30 5000 0 (only in emergencies)
  • +49 30 5000 2000
  • +49 30 18 17 0
  • +49 30 18 17 2000

Berlin Foreign Ministry Address:

  • Werderscher Markt, 110117 Berlin

Foreign Office Bonn address:

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  • Adenauerallee 99–103, 53113 Bonn

Postal address of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (also applies to Bonn):

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kurstrasse 36, 10117 Berlin

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