Todays horoscope 11152022 Blackbeard

Today’s horoscope 12/17/2022 according to Blackbeard

Today’s horoscope December 17, 2022: This is what Blackbeard predicts and how the positions and movements of the celestial bodies in relation to the earth will affect all signs.

Today’s horoscope December 17th

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

Maybe your answer wasn’t the best. The lunar opposition does not allow you to judge accurately. For the desire for freedom one tries not to make oneself dependent on anyone, but that also exists in human relationships.

Bull. 21/4 – 20/5

Make great strides, aided by the trine of Mercury and Uranus. You are always one step ahead and even the most recalcitrant colleagues will admit it. Better not to worry and make sure your work is clear in the light of the sun.

Twins. 21/5 – 21/6

You want to be more than secure, very secure, both in human relationships and in the world of work, thanks to the momentum of the Moon Trine with Mars. You may benefit from a tactic or trick you’ve never used before.

Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

Do not trust too much those who promise you heaven and earth in words, but then actually do nothing to help you or perhaps, even worse, prevent you. If you have to sign a document or an employment contract, expect everything to be in black and white.

Lion. 23/7 – 23/8

You need your space and one way or another, enlivened by the Moon in Libra, you will find it even if you have to argue a bit. To build a lasting relationship with your partner, pay better attention to dialogue. Everyone has their own needs.

Virgo. 24/8 – 22/9

Certain messages, if misinterpreted, can lead to doubts and misunderstandings. Better to be direct instead of using too many words. If you must speak publicly, make an outline so you don’t forget important points.

weight scale. 23.9. – 22.10

With the Moon in transit in your sign and square with Venus, you need much more affection, but if you don’t make it clear to others… Try to express your feelings, if not in words, with gestures, looks, caresses .

Scorpio. 23.10. – 22.11

Walking around alone, doing Christmas shopping, between colorful shop windows and lights that attract you, you don’t mind, on the contrary. Live it as an adventure. Prepare for discussions, even when there doesn’t seem to be much to discuss. You never know.

Protect. 23.11. – 21.12

Sparkling day, thanks to the Moon in Libra your thoughts fly in search of new unexplored horizons. What an adventure! Restart and warm up engines. They are ready to go without asking permission or permission.

Capricorn. 22.12. – 20.1

The domestic difficulties brought by the quadrature moon must be met with a smile. why make you bitter You’re only making it worse! A pinch of jealousy can also be there if it serves to rekindle the extinguished flame in a relationship.

Aquarium. 21.1. – 19.2

If you need to take a short trip or relocate, do so with the favor of the Lunar Triangle. Always combine business with pleasure. You can express yourself with no obstacles other than what you put between you and your desires.

Fishes. 20/2 – 20/3

Don’t tackle anything you are not adequately prepared for. You can’t compete in a long marathon unless you’re more than fit! Your partner asks you to be heard. Give him more time, relationships need them.

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