1704366035 27 Top 10 mobile marketing trends in 2024 – I have

Top 10 mobile marketing trends in 2024 – I have a friend in the communications industry

Many people, especially the younger generations, now primarily use their cell phones for their daily tasks or shopping. Supported by powerful smartphones with limitless functionality, users are spending more and more time on their phones, and this number is far from decreasing. According to a report by Data.ai, Android smartphone users spent more than 2,500 billion hours on their phones in the first half of 2023. For advertisers, mobile marketing is now an essential lever for integration into any strategy.

In a constantly evolving digital world, it is important to be aware of current and future trends. And this in order to anticipate the strategies you need to take to achieve your goal. That's why we spoke to Alexis Clouet, head of the Digital College's online campus and social selling specialist, about it.

The 10 mobile marketing trends

JUPDLC: First of all, what are the basic differences between web marketing and mobile marketing?

Alexis Clouet : Web marketing involves online platforms accessed through computers, such as browser-based websites and social media. On the other hand, mobile marketing focuses on smartphones, with techniques aimed at mobile applications, SMS campaigns and optimized and, above all, targeted advertising for specific uses, moments and activities. In summary, web marketing appeals to a broader online audience, while mobile marketing specifically targets mobile users through strategies tailored to their devices.

1. Generative AI on mobile devices

Generative AI is artificial intelligence capable of creating text, images, and other media from a simple query or prompt. You probably didn't miss the AI ​​trend with MidJourney, DALL-E, Bard or even ChatGPT that arrived on mobile devices in May 2023. Since then, generative AI has been integrated into certain data systems. Operating systems like Android, and even directly on the chips of your smartphones, as evidenced by the introduction of Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. A trend that is only in its infancy and is expected to continue to grow in 2024!

Alexis Clouet : Just like the digital revolution, the emergence of generative AI initially occurred via desktop platforms (personal computers and web browsers) using relatively closed tools such as ChatGPT or Midjourney. However, this development has quickly integrated into the daily lives of digital users and requires adaptation to their regular use, especially through mobile devices and directly in the preferred tools of Internet users.

AI-generative-mobilePhoto credit: Unsplash / Mojahid Mottakin

2. Social commerce as a real lever

Social commerce is a sub-area of ​​online commerce or e-commerce that allows you to sell your products and services via social networks such as Instagram or TikTok. This branch of e-commerce makes it possible to reach social platform users directly by offering them targeted products directly in their feed. They can then purchase the product of their dreams without leaving the application, allowing brands to increase their sales. However, be vigilant: in the long term, social network users may become bored and abandon the platforms in question, feeling that they have turned into real online stores!

Alexis Clouet : Despite effective communication campaigns on social networks, the biggest drop in conversion occurs between viewing the ad and landing on a website where users immediately log out, a phenomenon called bounce rate.

On average, during an advertising campaign, more than 50 to 60% of your prospects leave your website immediately after viewing them. In response to this loss, social commerce is emerging, not because of the quality of your website, but as an additional step that slows down the sales process. It is a crucial element to incorporate into your skillset to optimize conversion.

3. The search generative experience

The Search Generative Experience, also known by the acronym “EMS”, it's simply the Google search engine, but this time boosted with AI. The new search features include the ability for searchers to ask Google a question directly, giving them a more comprehensive search experience. A way to cross-reference sources and different content in an automated way, with the ability to find the sources of each answer from the AI. An additional guarantee for users who want to save time!

Alexis Clouet : Until now, search engines and generative AIs like ChatGPT were separate. To counteract this loss of users, search engines have implemented AIs that combine these two elements. A new acquisition competition is now emerging between browsers that goes beyond natural referencing (SEO). Companies must adapt to new requirements related to Search Generative Experience (SGE). The rules of the game are changing!

4. UX design to improve your retention rate

UX design is the design of the user experience. For example, when an internet user visits a brand's mobile website, UX design concerns the experience he will have when visiting this or that website. The more work done on your mobile site's UX design and how it aligns with your values, the more you'll improve your retention rate. In other words, the more fluid, pleasant and aesthetic a website is, the more your visitor will want to browse it. In 2024, old websites that are not mobile friendly will no longer exist. Let's focus on user needs!

Alexis Clouet : UX design occupies a central place in all digital professions. Beyond constructing the story of a brand or functional platform, what satisfies users' unconscious minds – a term explored in neuromarketing courses – lies in the feeling of instant satisfaction brought about by navigation.

For example, iPhone owners' continued loyalty to the Apple brand can be explained by their familiarity with the brand's infrastructure in which they have established their habits, preferences and preferences – a user experience unmatched by competing brands. Likewise, addiction to TikTok can be explained by customized, fast, personalized content and uninterrupted fluidity. The two have one thing in common: colossal UX work that is constantly updated.

5. Augmented reality is on the rise

Augmented reality, also called AR or AR (for augmented reality), has been making its way onto our smartphones for some time now. And a lot of people use it now. What's more, its use continues to grow: whether it's Snapchat filters, mobile games like Pokémon Go, or even tools like IKEA Creative to help you redesign your interior, you may have tried it yourself! Therefore, augmented reality will undoubtedly have a bright future in 2024.

AR VR mobile marketingPhoto credit: Unsplash / David Grandmougin

Alexis Clouet : Augmented Reality has been around for many years, the technology is functional, but it is its use that has taken some time to become embedded in users' habits. Little by little, companies and brands can use augmented reality as a pleasant, simple and intuitive tool. And more and more consumers are receptive and expect such an offer from their brand. In this context, it seems obvious that 2024 will be a crucial year for augmented reality!

6. CSR and ethical marketing: essential in 2024!

The way we market is under a lot of scrutiny today, and for good reason! Therefore, ethical marketing or sustainable marketing has emerged in recent years. For companies and brands, it is about making their CSR commitment known and promoting a new model focused on issues such as ecological transition, protecting the planet and better consumption (hence the term “conso'acteurs”). In short, it's about being more transparent with consumers about its practices. It is now no longer an option but a necessity, in short, a real political issue!

Alexis Clouet : The rising generation attaches just as much importance to climate issues as they do to inflation or their educational future. Their consumption model is evolving accordingly and increasingly requires that products meet ethical and/or ecological criteria. This new generation in training, who will be the consumers of tomorrow, will adopt these standards as their main criteria and demand that companies respect them.

Top 10 Mobile MarketingPhoto credit: Unsplash / Li-An Lim

7. The rise of interactive content

We now know that to drive engagement, interactive content is a godsend for brands. Whether simple quizzes, surveys or even open questions, interactive content has proven itself! And some have understood this well, for example when we observe the growing number of interactive videos. A fun and innovative way to interact with your audience and encourage participatory content!

Alexis Clouet : The emergence of interactive content represents a dynamic response to the growing demands for user engagement. From simple quizzes to interactive videos, this strategy encourages deeper engagement with audiences. The trend towards encouraging active user engagement opens up new creative possibilities for brands and underscores the importance of user experience in today's digital landscape.

8. Voice marketing

Voice marketing is likely to be a powerful ally for brands in 2024! This trend consists of implementing a marketing strategy using voice assistants on your smartphone or smart speaker: Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, Samsung Voice or Cortana. This allows brands to achieve their goal through direct interaction using differentiating and precise methods.

Audio tool brandsPhoto credit: Unsplash / Omid Armin

Alexis Clouet : With the advent of artificial intelligence, it is undeniable that our voice assistants are rapidly evolving to offer an ever more efficient experience. However, the way we speak is different from the way we write, creating a new professional field and specific skills associated with the rise of voice SEO, known as voice SEO.

9. Advertising campaigns on TikTok

TikTok is on the rise! If your goal is to reach a young target group, your next advertising campaign will find its place on the social network. The TikTok community is very engaged, success is up to you! And that's not all: According to the We Are Social x Hootsuite 2023 Digital Trends Report, ads on TikTok reach more than a billion adults. The social network's advertising reach has also increased by almost 19% since 2022. Numbers that will undoubtedly have an impact on advertisers!

Alexis Clouet : TikTok has become a social network popular among users of all ages, especially young people who spend most of their time online. Surprisingly, more than 50% of young people aged 18 to 25 prefer TikTok as their primary search engine over Google. This platform is becoming increasingly important for companies, even though it can be more complex to purchase. The potential gains in awareness, reputation and advertising make it an opportunity not to be overlooked and represent a real goldmine.

10. Live Streaming: Looking for the moment

Live streaming or live video allows any social network user to announce what they want live and through notification to their community. A fundamental advantage for advertisers who can create a unique and authentic connection with their audience through the most consumed format on social platforms: video. In addition, Live offers the opportunity to answer various questions from users. Live stream shopping, a fusion of e-commerce and live streaming, has enabled the creation of a new distribution channel for brands and the ability to buy instantly for audiences.

Alexis Clouet : Live broadcasts have become essential on all social networks, and rebroadcasts of these live sessions remain the most popular videos. Interaction peaks when responsiveness is immediate, making live streaming an extension of in-person interaction. However, it is important to master the codes and uses and protect yourself from pitfalls, because a mistake cannot be corrected.

Mobile Marketing Trends 2024Image credit: Adobe Stock / Ronstik

In conclusion, the digital realm is growing and evolving without experiencing drastic disruptions, contrary to what Meta could have imagined with its world of the future. It gradually integrates new technologies, whether consumers adopt them or not. These developments are constant and uncertain, but by constantly being alert, learning new skills, and being interested in developments or failures, you can grow and excel as a digital expert – a core philosophy at Digital College.

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