Turn quotwoke upquot in France trans students can choose the

Turn "woke up" in France: trans students can choose the name

Turn “woke” in French schools. That transgender students They can use the name they provide without changing their marital status. The Council of State considered legitimate the decision contained in the circular of September 29, 2021 of the Minister for National Education, which provided for this possibility. An application for annulment was made against this circular because the law stipulates “that no citizen shall have a surname or name other than that stated on the birth certificate”: the Council of State, however, considered that the circular was compatible with the legislation, legitimizes its content.

As the agency Agi reports, the name finally chosen by the transgender student must be used by schoolmates and staff, but also on the canteen card the school and the register of teachers. The student who wishes to have this right recognized must apply to their school with the consent of their parents. There is one exception, however, and these are documents related to state examinations, where the name recorded in civil status will still be taken into account.

Gender identity enters French schools

In fact, it is the first customs clearance ofgender identity in French schools, which now recognize the primacy of gender over biological reality. According to the decision of the Council of State, there is therefore no contradiction “between the application of the law to a student’s official documents indicating his name in marital status” and the use of a provision allowing it “to address the situation of transgender students in the school environment to better take into account, facilitate their support and protect them”. The decision comes after, as reported by Marianne, the Minister for National Education, Pap NdiayeShe has decided to bring the issue of tackling gender stereotypes in schools back on the table. A potentially explosive topic that could reignite tensions between some students’ parents.

It’s more than a fight against discrimination, it’s a real ideological indoctrination. Boys are too often raised according to an ideal of “strength and masculinity,” Ndiyae said, while girls are still associated with kindness or subservience, the minister said, allegedly to justify the ministry’s initiative against gender stereotypes. Consultations will take place from the end of September with trade union representatives and parents’ associations. The aim is to start actions that need to emphasize inclusion from September 2023.

Minister’s obsession “awake”

Gender identity is an issue close to the Minister’s heart. During the back-to-school press conference in late August, Ndiaye said, “I want all academies to set up LGBT discrimination observatories in national education.” But who is Pap Ndiaye? As InsideOver pointed out last May, Macron’s decision to put him at the helm of a key department like education after the great debate over French identity is a tongue-in-cheek to the liberal American import obsessed with women’s rights Western society is permeated by white man’s “structural racism”. Born outside Paris to a Senegalese father and French mother, Ndiaye was for many years a professor at the elite Po University of Sciences, the forge of the transalpine country’s ruling class. He rose to fame in France in 2008 when he published The Black Condition, an essay “about a French minority” before becoming director of the Museum of Immigration History in Paris in 2021.