Twitter brings back laid off employees

A week after multi-billionaire Elon Musk took over the short-messaging service Twitter, Musk laid off about half of its 7,500 employees at the end of last week. Fired employees received messages on Friday of last week, which was their last day at the company. “Everyone who was fired received three months’ severance pay,” Musk tweeted.

Workers in the US have already filed a class-action lawsuit against Twitter. They accuse the company of failing to meet the 60-day deadline required for mass layoffs. It violates California and federal law.

return offered

For other reasons, Twitter has asked some of the laid-off employees to return to the company in recent days, and some of the layoffs have been dropped. Some employees were unfairly fired, Bloomberg news agency reports, citing sources. The new management had to recognize that the functioning of Twitter is hardly possible without many professionals fired by Musk. And so Twitter is currently in contact with dozens of former employees.