Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, January 24, about Putin's war. LIVE

The shooting down of the Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 was the work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: this was reported to the Ukrainian media by the Kiev General Staff, according to which the aircraft carried missiles towards bases “from which the Russians were often attacked.” Attack on Kharkiv and the region. There were 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board who were to be released as part of an exchange. There were also 6 crew members and 3 “companions” on the plane. This was reported by the Ria Novosti agency. Ukrainian soldiers are running out of ammunition and other weapons they need to fight Russia. Celeste Wallander, head of the Department of International Security Affairs at the Pentagon, said this, recalling that since December the United States has not been able to send to Kiev in the same quantities as in the previous two years due to the stalemate in Congress over the authorization of new weapons Funds for Ukraine.\n


The Russian attack in Ukraine yesterday morning left “at least 18 dead and 130 injured.” This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during his evening speech, according to Ukrinform.




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“,”postId”:”79573238-b515-4040-ab9e-6b360683a147″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T10:32:53.797Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T11:32:53+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”P. Chigi, ok turco alla Svezia nella Nato rafforza sicurezza “,”content”:”

\”Il Governo accoglie con favore la ratifica del Protocollo di adesione della Svezia all’Alleanza Atlantica da parte della Grande Assemblea Nazionale Turca. Un passo nella giusta direzione: la sicurezza collettiva si rafforza\”. Lo riferisce una nota di Palazzo Chigi. 

“,”postId”:”91eb58ed-42f2-4815-8feb-6332809de13d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T10:21:58.361Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T11:21:58+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Duma russa, ‘l’aereo con prigionieri ucraini abbattuto da Kiev’ “,”content”:”

Vyacheslav Volodin, il presidente della Duma, la camera bassa del Parlamento russo, ha accusato gli ucraini di avere abbattuto nella regione di Belgorod l’aereo Ilyushin Il-76, che secondo Mosca trasportava 65 prigionieri di guerra ucraini che dovevano essere scambiati con prigionieri russi. Lo riferisce l’agenzia Ria Novosti. Secondo il presidente della commissione Difesa della Duma, Andrei Kartapolov, l’aereo è stato abbattuto da \”tre missili, o Patriot oppure Iris-T\”, i primi di fabbricazione americana e i secondi di fabbricazione tedesca.

“,”postId”:”86a4a158-f19e-4cfa-ba78-00f27368593c”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T10:02:27.813Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T11:02:27+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev, l’aereo russo abbattuto da noi, trasportava missili “,”content”:”

L’abbattimento dell’aereo da trasporto militare russo Il-76 è opera delle forze armate ucraine: lo riferisce ai media ucraini lo stato maggiore di Kiev, secondo cui l’aereo trasportava missili verso basi \”da dove i russi spesso attaccano Kharkiv e la regione\”. Secondo Rbc Ucraina, i russi ammettono che l’aereo è precipitato ma forniscono una \”loro versione secondo cui a bordo c’erano 65 militari ucraini catturati\”, oltre a sei membri dell’equipaggio e altri tre militari. 

“,”postId”:”81879d15-2871-4bfa-95b4-f43f06a36a19″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:48:50.338Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:48:50+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Nato, Cremlino: adesione Svezia \”decisione sovrana Turchia\””,”content”:”

La ratifica del Parlamento di Ankara sull’ingresso della Svezia nella Nato e’ \”una decisione sovrana della Turchia\”. Cosi’ il portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitri Peskov, ha commentato il via libera di Ankara all’adesione all’Alleanza Atlantica del Paese scandinavo. Lo riporta la Tass. 

“,”postId”:”5a506328-8ef0-42ad-b1cb-aebca2fe534e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:38:16.254Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:38:16+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca conferma: a bordo Ilyushin 65 prigionieri ucraini”,”content”:”

Il ministero della Difesa di Mosca ha confermato che un aereo da trasporto militare Ilyushin Il-76 è precipitato stamane nella regione di Belgorod, confinante con l’Ucraina, e che a bordo si trovavano 65 prigionieri di guerra ucraini che dovevano essere liberati nell’ambito di uno scambio. A bordo si trovavano anche 6 membri dell’equipaggio e 3 \”accompagnatori\”. Lo riferisce l’agenzia Ria Novosti. 

“,”postId”:”8244a0d4-b63b-454d-87c7-d4a81b67af7e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:35:56.285Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:35:56+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”‘Sull’aereo precipitato in Russia c’erano 63 persone'”,”content”:”

Ci sarebbero state 63 persone a bordo dell’aereo russo da trasporto Ilyushin che sarebbe precipitato stamane nella regione di Belgorod, vicino al confine con l’Ucraina. Lo afferma il canale Telegram russo ‘112’, uno tra i più seguiti, con oltre 220.000 iscritti.

“,”postId”:”841778f9-13a9-486c-865b-209824472626″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:20:19.843Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:20:19+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Media russi, precipita aereo militare in regione Belgorod”,”content”:”

Un aereo russo da trasporto probabilmente militare, un Ilyushin Il-76, sarebbe precipitato nella regione russa di Belgorod confinante con l’Ucraina. Lo scrivono i principali canali Telegram russi che si occupano di vicende legate al conflitto in Ucraina. Il governatore della regione, Vyacheslav Gladkov, si è limitato a scrivere sul suo canale Telegram che è avvenuto \”un incidente\” e che si sta recando sul luogo.

“,”postId”:”669c63f0-2c23-4896-b24d-1a70eba9c64c”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:19:04.233Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:19:04+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tajani: presto per dire cosa accadrà se Trump vince”,”content”:”

Se nelle elezioni presidenziali Usa vincesse Donald Trump, \”non credo ci sarebbe un repentino cambiamento\” della posizione di Washington sull’Ucraina. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, intervistato da Sky Tg24. \”Ci vorrebbe una sfera di cristallo\” per saperlo, ha commentato il capo della Farnesina, \”ma manca ancora molto\” al voto e \”si devono ancora chiudere le primarie\”. \”Bisogna vedere concretamente cosa faranno i Repubblicani una volta finita la campagna elettorale, ma lavoriamo tutti per la pace, che sia giusta e non penalizzi l’Ucraina\”, ha aggiunto Tajani.

“,”postId”:”98718664-d501-48dd-9359-01e2b3114c45″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:07:54.582Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:07:54+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Papa: inquietanti notizie di raid su civili”,”content”:”

\”Penso al Medio Oriente, alla Palestina, a Israele. Penso alle notizie inquetanti che provengono dalla martoriata Ucraina, soprattutto per i bombardamenti che colpiscono luoghi frequentati dai civili, seminando morte e distruzione, sofferenza. Prego per le vittime e per i loro cari. E imploro tutti, specialmente chi ha responsabilità politica a custodire la vita umana mettendo fine alle guerre. Non dimentichiamo: la guerra sempre è una sconfitta. Sempre. Solo ‘vincono’ i fabbricatori delle armi\”. Cosi’ Papa Francesco al termine dell’Udienza generale.

“,”postId”:”8d2f7c78-67f8-4f44-92e9-fc223d66b2bf”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T09:04:37.247Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T10:04:37+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Papa: la guerra è una negazione dell’umanità”,”content”:”

\”La guerra stessa è una negazione dell’umanità. Non stanchiamoci di pregare per la pace, perché cessino i conflitti, perche’ si arrestino le armi e si soccorrano le popolazioni stremate\”. Cosi’ Papa Francesco al termine dell’Udienza Generale.

“,”postId”:”0034907b-8f68-44e9-983f-8458b633ae80″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T08:44:00.115Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T09:44:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tajani: \”Zelensky? Non lo lasciamo solo\””,”content”:”

Zelensky lasciato solo? \”Non è vero. Abbiamo confermato il nostro impegno. Non stiamo lasciando solo Zelensky perché se la Russia invade l’Ucraina ci sono pericoli per altri paesi confinanti. La Russia punta ad espandersi, un po’ fa propaganda ma rappresenta un pericolo per l’occidente. L’obiettivo è la pace ma se la Russia invade l’Ucraina la pace non si può raggiungere, perché c’è un’invasione\”. Così il vicepremier e ministro degli Esteri Antonio Tajani ospite ieri sera di Avanti Popolo su Rai 3.

“,”postId”:”bac31965-01ba-4eb4-818b-5f0dc4425457″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T08:32:14.116Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T09:32:14+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev: \”840 soldati russi uccisi nell’ultimo giorno\””,”content”:”

La Russia ha perso 378.660 soldati in Ucraina dall’inizio della guerra, il 24 febbraio 2022. Lo ha riferito lo Stato maggiore delle forze armate ucraine. Il numero include 840 vittime subite dalle forze russe nell’ultimo giorno.


Secondo il rapporto, la Russia ha perso anche 6.227 carri armati, 11.579 veicoli corazzati da combattimento, 12.005 veicoli e serbatoi di carburante, 9.008 sistemi di artiglieria, 971 sistemi di razzi a lancio multiplo, 659 sistemi di difesa aerea, 331 aerei, 324 elicotteri, 6.998 droni, 1.842 navi da crociera. missili, 1.416 equipaggiamenti speciali, 23 imbarcazioni e un sottomarino.

“,”postId”:”59845c0a-8492-49a2-8367-1acf99e83378″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T08:17:03.036Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T09:17:03+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca: \”Abbattuto drone vicino a Belgorod\””,”content”:”

Le forze di difesa aerea russe  hanno distrutto un drone sopra il villaggio di Blizhnoe, vicino a Belgorod. Lo ha scritto su Telegram il governatore regionale Vyacheslav Gladkov.


\”Nella regione di Belgorod, un Uav di tipo aereo è stato abbattuto da un sistema di difesa aerea sopra il villaggio di Blizhnoe. Non ci sono vittime\”, ha detto il funzionario.

“,”postId”:”baa08704-6f51-4d7c-adc2-32e57c699a39″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T08:01:00.440Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T09:01:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev: \”Le perdite in combattimento del nemico dal 24 febbraio 2022 al 24 gennaio 2024\””,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”6d272ba6-d852-4711-a0a3-2fdd7c61ff26″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T07:53:43.689Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T08:53:43+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, Kuleba: \”Situazione al fronte più difficile del 2022\””,”content”:”

La situazione al fronte in Ucraina resta attualmente difficile a causa della mancanza di forniture di munizioni. Lo ha affermato il ministro degli Esteri di Kiev, Dmytro Kuleba, in un’intervista al quotidiano tedesco Bild. Secondo il capo della diplomazia ucraina, \”la situazione è molto grave, forse ancora piu’ grave di quanto lo fosse all’inizio dell’invasione russa, quasi due anni fa\”. Il ministro degli Esteri ha anche aggiunto che il massiccio attacco missilistico russo di ieri dimostra che l’Ucraina ha bisogno di più sistemi di difesa aerea e missilistici. \”Anche se l’Ucraina ha aumentato significativamente la sua produzione e continuerà a farlo, vediamo che ancora l’industria della difesa occidentale non è in grado di produrre una quantità sufficiente di munizioni\”, ha affermato Kuleba. 

“,”postId”:”c6171160-7b18-410d-9854-29cd730db030″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T07:26:43.993Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T08:26:43+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Pentagono: \”Al lavoro per fornire F-16 all’Ucraina quest’anno\””,”content”:”

Il Pentagono prevede che quest’anno l’Ucraina riceverà i primi caccia F-16, oltre alle relative infrastrutture e pezzi di ricambio: lo ha detto in un briefing con i media la responsabile degli affari di sicurezza internazionale del ministero della Difesa Usa, Celeste Wallander, come riporta il sito del ministero. \”Stiamo lavorando come coalizione per fornire una capacità operativa iniziale all’Ucraina con il suo programma F-16 nel 2024\”, ha affermato Wallander, spiegando che il programma comprende \”l’addestramento dei piloti, le piattaforme, ma anche la formazione dei tecnici, le infrastrutture, i pezzi di ricambio e le munizioni\”. 

“,”postId”:”3227dfbf-6c78-4ade-8183-87fd2f902cba”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T07:02:06.581Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T08:02:06+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Linea baltica, accordo di difesa antirusso tra Estonia, Lettonia e Lituania”,”content”:”

Le tre nazioni, membri della Ue e della Nato, hanno deciso di stringere un’intesa per la costruzione di “strutture di difesa” comuni lungo i confini con la Russia e la Bielorussia. Il timore, comune anche a Berlino e Washington, è che Putin possa presto decidere di attaccare un Paese dell’Alleanza Atlantica. \”Lo sviluppo congiunto delle capacità di difesa di Lituania, Lettonia ed Estonia rappresenta la maggior garanzia di sicurezza per la regione\”, ha detto il ministro della Difesa lituano. COSA SAPERE

“,”postId”:”c7d846cb-c3c1-4761-8f46-f10742c0a625″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T06:33:00.682Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T07:33:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca: \”Intercettati quattro droni sulla regione di Oryol\””,”content”:”

I sistemi di difesa aerea russi hanno intercettato quattro droni ucraini sulla regione di Oryol, vicino al confine con l’Ucraina. Lo ha riferito il ministero della Difesa. \”Questa mattina è stato fermato il tentativo del regime di Kiev di effettuare un attacco terroristico utilizzando droni tipo aereo contro obiettivi nel territorio della Federazione Russa\”, ha osservato il ministero. Secondo il governatore locale, Andrei Klychkov, non ci sono state vittime. Uomini dei servizi speciali sono stati inviati sul luogo dell’incidente, nei distretti di Zheleznodorozhny e nel Nord di Orel, per garantire la sicurezza della popolazione, ha fatto sapere Mosca.

“,”postId”:”511c0552-0208-405c-bb54-580ba29c670d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T06:26:41.240Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T07:26:41+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Isw: \”Gli stati occidentali hanno ribadito il loro sostegno all’Ucraina e il loro impegno per lo sviluppo della sua base industriale di difesa\””,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”822057e2-ec29-44f9-8abd-48bb11da50f4″},{“timestamp”:”2024-01-24T06:16:00.018Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-01-24T07:16:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Canada, nuovi aiuti militari a Kiev per 19 milioni euro”,”content”:”

Il Canada fornirà all’Ucraina un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti militari del valore di quasi 19 milioni di euro, ha annunciato il ministro della Difesa canadese Bill Blair. Il pacchetto comprenderà 10 imbarcazioni a scafo rigido della Zodiac Hurricane Technologies e corsi di lingua inglese per il personale dell’aeronautica di Kiev che imparerà a pilotare gli aerei da caccia F-16, spiega un comunicato pubblicato sul sito web del dicastero di Ottawa. 

“,”postId”:”f8cb42d7-6ac5-4b42-ab5d-8f2980f18bbf”}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “a51181df-25e6-42b5-8705-bb81da322a76”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}' >

The shooting down of the Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 was the work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: this was reported to the Ukrainian media by the Kiev General Staff, according to which the aircraft carried missiles towards bases “from which the Russians were often attacked.” Attack on Kharkiv and the region”. There were 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board who were to be released as part of an exchange. There were also 6 crew members and 3 “companions” on the plane. This was reported by the Ria Novosti agency. Ukrainian soldiers are running out of ammunition and other weapons they need to fight Russia. Celeste Wallander, head of the Department of International Security Affairs at the Pentagon, said this, recalling that since December the United States has not been able to send to Kiev in the same quantities as in the previous two years due to the stalemate in Congress over the authorization of new weapons funds for Ukraine.

The Russian attack in Ukraine yesterday morning left “at least 18 dead and 130 injured.” This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during his evening speech, according to Ukrinform.


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less than a minute ago

P. Chigi: Turkish agreement for Sweden in NATO strengthens security

“The government welcomes the ratification of the Protocol on Sweden's accession to the Atlantic Alliance by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. A step in the right direction: collective security will be strengthened.” This was reported in a note from Palazzo Chigi.

10 minutes ago

Russian Duma, “the plane with Ukrainian prisoners shot down from Kiev”

Vyacheslav Volodin, the president of the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, accused the Ukrainians of shooting down the Ilyushin Il-76 plane in the Belgorod region, which Moscow said had 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board and exchanged them for Russian prisoners. This was reported by the Ria Novosti agency. According to Duma Defense Committee Chairman Andrei Kartapolov, the plane was shot down by “three missiles, either Patriot or Iris-T,” the first made in the United States and the second in Germany.

30 minutes ago

Kiev, the Russian plane we shot down was carrying missiles

The shooting down of the Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 was the work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: this was reported to the Ukrainian media by the Kiev General Staff, according to which the aircraft carried missiles towards bases “from which the Russians were often attacked.” Attack on Kharkiv and the region”. According to RBC Ukraine, the Russians admit that the plane crashed, but provide “their version that there were 65 captured Ukrainian soldiers on board,” as well as six crew members and three other soldiers.

44 minutes ago

NATO, Kremlin: Sweden joins “Türkiye sovereignty decision”.

The ratification of Sweden's NATO accession by the parliament in Ankara is “a sovereign decision of Turkey”. This is how Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on Ankara's green light for the Scandinavian country to join the Atlantic Alliance. Tass reports it.

54 minutes ago

Moscow confirms 65 Ukrainian prisoners on board the Ilyushin

The Moscow Defense Ministry confirmed that an Ilyushin Il-76 military transport plane crashed this morning in the Belgorod region bordering Ukraine and that there were 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board who were due to be released as part of an exchange. There were also 6 crew members and 3 “companions” on board. This was reported by the Ria Novosti agency.

56 minutes ago

“There were 63 people in the plane that crashed in Russia”

There were apparently 63 people on board the Russian transport plane Ilyushin, which crashed this morning in the Belgorod region near the border with Ukraine. This was stated by the Russian Telegram channel “112”, which is one of the most visited with over 220,000 subscribers.

10:20 a.m

Russian media: Military plane crashes in Belgorod region

A Russian transport plane, probably a military aircraft, an Ilyushin Il-76, would have crashed in Russia's Belgorod region on the border with Ukraine. This was written by the main Russian Telegram channels covering events related to the conflict in Ukraine. The governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, limited himself to writing on his Telegram channel that “an accident” had occurred and that he would go to the scene of the accident.

10:19 a.m

Tajani: It's too early to say what will happen if Trump wins

If Donald Trump wins the US presidential election, “I don’t think there would be a sudden change” in Washington’s stance on Ukraine. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani explained this in an interview with Sky Tg24. “We would need a crystal ball” to know that, commented the Farnesina boss, “but there is still a long way to go until the vote and the primaries still have to be closed”. “We need to see concretely what the Republicans will do when the campaign is over, but we are all working for a peace that is just and does not punish Ukraine,” Tajani added.


Pope: Disturbing news about raids against civilians

“I think of the Middle East, of Palestine, of Israel. I think of the disturbing news from troubled Ukraine, particularly the bombings that hit places frequented by civilians, causing death, destruction and suffering. I pray for the victims and their loved ones. And I implore everyone, especially those with political responsibility, to protect human lives by ending wars. Let us not forget: war is always a defeat. Always. Only the manufacturers of weapons 'win',” said Pope Francis at the end of the general audience.


Pope: War is a denial of humanity

“War itself is a denial of humanity. Let us not tire of praying for peace, for an end to conflict, for an end to the ceasefire and for exhausted populations to be helped,” said Pope Francis at the end of the general audience.


Tajani: “Zelensky? We won't leave him alone.”

Zelensky left alone? “That's not true. We have reaffirmed our commitment. We will not leave Zelenskyy alone, because if Russia invades Ukraine, there will be dangers for other neighboring countries. Russia wants to expand, that's a bit of propaganda, but it poses a danger to the West.” The goal is peace, but if Russia invades Ukraine, peace cannot be achieved because there is an invasion.” That was the deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani was a guest at Avanti Popolo on Rai 3 last night.


Kiev: “840 Russian soldiers killed in the last day”

Russia has lost 378,660 soldiers in Ukraine since the war began on February 24, 2022, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported. The figure includes 840 casualties suffered by Russian forces over the past day.

According to the report, Russia also lost 6,227 tanks, 11,579 armored fighting vehicles, 12,005 fuel vehicles and tanks, 9,008 artillery systems, 971 multiple rocket systems, 659 air defense systems, 331 aircraft, 324 helicopters, 6,998 drones and 1,842 cruise ships. Missiles, 1,416 special equipment, 23 boats and one submarine.


Moscow: “Drone shot down near Belgorod”

Russian air defense forces destroyed a drone over the village of Blishnoye near Belgorod. This was written by regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov on Telegram.

“In the Belgorod region, an aircraft UAV was shot down by an air defense system over the village of Blishnoye. There are no casualties,” the official said.


Kiev: “Enemy combat losses from February 24, 2022 to January 24, 2024”


Ukraine, Kuleba: “The situation on the front will be the most difficult in 2022”

The situation on the front in Ukraine currently remains difficult due to a lack of ammunition supplies. Kiev's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said this in an interview with the German Bild newspaper. According to the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, “the situation is very serious, perhaps even more serious than at the beginning of the Russian invasion almost two years ago.” The foreign minister added that yesterday's massive Russian missile attack shows that Ukraine needs more air and missile defense systems. “Although Ukraine has significantly increased its production and will continue to do so, we see that the Western defense industry is still unable to produce sufficient quantities of ammunition,” Kuleba said.


Pentagon: “We are working to deliver F-16s to Ukraine this year”

The Pentagon expects Ukraine to receive the first F-16 fighter jets this year, as well as related infrastructure and spare parts: Celeste, head of the international security affairs division at the US Department of Defense, said in a media briefing. Wallander, as reported The ministry's website. “We are working as a coalition to give Ukraine initial operational capability with its F-16 program in 2024,” Wallander said, explaining that the program includes “pilot training, platforms, but also technician training, infrastructure, spare parts and ammunition.” “.


Baltic Line, anti-Russian defense agreement between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

The three member states of the EU and NATO have decided to conclude an agreement to build joint “defense structures” along the borders with Russia and Belarus. The fear, also widespread in Berlin and Washington, is that Putin could soon decide to attack a country in the Atlantic Alliance. “The joint development of the defense capabilities of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia represents the greatest security guarantee for the region,” said the Lithuanian Defense Minister. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW


Moscow: “Four drones intercepted over Oryol region”

Russian air defense systems intercepted four Ukrainian drones over the Oryol region near the border with Ukraine. This was announced by the Ministry of Defense. “This morning, the Kiev regime's attempt to carry out a terrorist attack using aerial drones against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation was stopped,” the ministry noted. According to local governor Andrei Klychkov, there were no injuries. To ensure the safety of the population, special forces were sent to the scene of the accident in the Zheleznodorozhny and Northern Orel districts, Moscow said.


Isw: “Western states reiterated their support for Ukraine and their commitment to the development of its defense industrial base”


Canada grants Kiev new military aid worth 19 million euros

Canada will provide Ukraine with a new military aid package worth almost 19 million euros, Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair announced. The package includes 10 rigid-hull boats from Zodiac Hurricane Technologies and English courses for Kiev Air Force personnel to learn to fly F-16 fighter jets, according to a statement posted on the Ottawa ministry's website.