Union Comercio want to make a bulls eye against Cristal

Unión Comercio want to “make a bull’s eye” against Cristal and demand a high price for their tickets

A common practice used by some League 1 teams in this inaugural tournament is to set high ticket prices for their home games against the so-called ‘Big Three’: Alianza Lima, Universitario and Sporting Cristal. Aiming at raising hefty amounts for box office concepts, Alianza Atlético will use this strategy against the creams while labor union He will do the same when he receives the celestials for date 2.

Cristal’s case is a bit peculiar as there is no economic way to enter the Carlos Vidaurre García stadium to attend the signing. As announced by the jungle club, the general admission price for this meeting is 100 soles for all grandstands of the venue.

Union Comercio want to make a bulls eye against CristalEntries for Trade vs. Cristal have a one-time cost of 100 soles. Photo by : Passline

It’s not the first time this year that Poderoso del Alto Mayo has increased its ticket prices. Against the “U” he sold the tickets for 80 soles, while against Alianza he sold the tickets for 150 soles.

YOU CAN SEE: Vallejo produced a document with pictures and a complaint that the referee favored Alianza Lima

Where to buy Union Comercio vs. tickets? Glass?

Fans who want to buy their passes for it Union vs. Athletic Cristal You can do this virtually (Passline) or in person at various locations in Tarapoto City (Royal Kerkus Hotel, Zaga Stores, Cell Phone Store, Chezgo Chicken Shop and Carlin Chicken Shop).

When will Union Comercio vs. Sportlicher Cristal take place?

The game between the two teams will be played next Saturday, May 13, from 1 p.m.