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US Deportation Rule Expired: Rush to the Southern Border News

With great uncertainty, tens of thousands of migrants at the US southern border fear for their future. With the lifting of the coronavirus emergency in the United States, a controversial practice of deportation that had allowed the rapid rejection of migrants in previous years with reference to the pandemic ended last night.

Many people in Central and South America hoped that the abolition of the “Title 42” rule would improve their chances of admission to the US, but they are increasingly disappointed. Because the US government has taken various measures to counteract border rush.

“The border is not open”

US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas tried again to stifle false expectations. “The border is not open,” he said at the end of the controversial practice of deportation. From now on, people who arrive at the border without initially using a legal route will not be considered eligible for asylum, he explained.

US border guard among migrants

AP/Gregory Bull

Human rights organizations have sharply criticized the actions of the government of US President Joe Biden. “There is no reason to celebrate the end of the Title 42 rule. Because there is a new rule that creates new obstacles and penalties for people seeking asylum in the United States,” said Mary Meg McCarthy of the Center for Immigrant Rights.

Mexico tightens its own migration policy

Yesterday, the Mexican government spoke of a “calm and normal” situation. “There were no clashes or situations of violence on the border,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard. Biden had already warned that the situation at the border would be “chaotic for a while”.

Meanwhile, Mexico has tightened its own migration policy. The government has announced that the issuance of transit documents to migrants who were previously able to legally move through Mexico to the US border will be discontinued with immediate effect.

So far, migrants with the documents have been able to stay in Mexico for 30 days without fear of being detained by local authorities. It was initially unclear whether the change was temporary or permanent.