Vatican Grandparents Day Theme published

Vatican: Grandparents Day Theme published

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, the fourth World Grandparents and Elderly Day will be celebrated. The Vatican has now announced this year's motto.

Mário Galgano – Vatican City

The theme chosen by the Pope, “Do not abandon me when I am old” (cf. Ps 71:9), aims to make it clear that loneliness is, unfortunately, the bitter companion in the lives of so many elderly people, who are often victims of the bedtime culture outside. This is what the statement from the Vatican press room this Thursday says. In the standard German translation, the psalm continues with the additional half-sentence: “…do not leave me when my strength fails!”

In the year of preparation for the Holy Year of 2025, which the Pope dedicated to prayer, the theme of the day is taken from Psalm 71, which describes the invocation of an elderly man “who tells his story of friendship with God”.

By honoring the charisma of grandparents and the elderly and their contribution to the life of the Church, the celebration of the day seeks to “promote the commitment of each ecclesial community to building intergenerational relationships and combating loneliness, with the awareness that – as says the Holy Scripture says – “it is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18).

Prayer of an elderly man

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, said:

“I am deeply grateful to the Holy Father for choosing the verse from Psalm 71 as the theme for the IV World Day of Grandparents and Elderly People. It is the prayer of an elderly person who reminds us that loneliness is an unfortunately widespread reality that affects many elderly people, who are often victims of the culture of throwing away and are seen as a burden on society.”

Faced with this reality, families and the ecclesial community are called to be at the forefront of promoting a culture of encounter, creating spaces for exchange, listening, support and affection, said Cardinal Farrell, adding:

“This is how the love of the Gospel becomes concrete. Loneliness is, of course, also an indispensable condition of human existence, which manifests itself mainly, but not only, in old age. Therefore, the Psalmist's prayer is the prayer of each one of us, the prayer of the heart of each Christian who turns to the Father and trusts in his consolation. In this year dedicated to prayer, the celebration of the IV World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly takes on an even deeper and broader meaning. He invites us to build together – grandparents, grandchildren, young people, elderly people, members of the same family – the greater 'we' of the ecclesial community”.


It is precisely this intimacy, rooted in the love of God, that overcomes any form of throwaway culture and loneliness, said the mayor. Our communities are called to “proclaim the love of God, who leaves no one alone, with his tenderness and loving care that does not forget even his weakest members”.

The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life therefore invites parishes, dioceses, associations and ecclesial communities around the world to prepare themselves spiritually and with pastoral initiatives for the day. A special pastoral preparation package will be available in the coming months at

(Vatican news)