VIDEO Desperate tourist vacuums up venomous snake in resort room

VIDEO: Desperate tourist vacuums up venomous snake in resort room

A panicked tourist called a snake rescuer after vacuuming up a deadly species. The man was on vacation with his wife at a resort in Australia when he encountered the predator. According to him, the attitude to arrest the animal was an act of desperation.

Desperate tourist vacuums poisonous snake in resort room  Photo: @HerveyBaySnakeCatchers/Playback/Facebook/NDDesperate tourist vacuums up venomous snake in resort room Photo: @HerveyBaySnakeCatchers/Reproduction/Facebook/ND

On the first call, the husband claimed there was a venomous snake in their room, but shortly after, he called again, a little calmer, and said the case was resolved “because his wife sucked up the snake with her cleaning device.” The information comes from R7.

Just when you think you’ve seen everything about this job, someone calls you and says his wife vacuumed up a snake! Luckily the snake was unharmed, just a little dusty and confused. It turned out to be a young yellowfaced whip snake. You can follow the unfolding of the event in the video below, but we will be making an edited version for YouTube that will also include the snakes’ release.

Posted by Hervey Bay Snake Catchers on Thursday 4th May 2023

Drew Godfrey, the expert, said leaving the predator there is not only cruel but also illegal because the animal is protected by law. So Drew went there to rescue the animal from its prison and posted a video of the rescue on the 4th of this month.

“Just when you think you’ve seen everything about this job, someone calls you and says the woman vacuumed up a snake,” Drew said in the description of the video posted to Facebook. “The snake was unharmed, just a little dusty and confused,” he added.

The species in question was a Demansia psammophis known as the yellowfaced whip snake a venomous animal quite common in Australia.

Drew went on to explain that the snake is sometimes confused with the brown snake, which is said to be the second most venomous snake in the world.