1709300912 Vladimir Putin warns the West about the real danger of

Vladimir Putin warns the West about the “real danger of nuclear war: “destruction of civilization World

Wladimir Putin.  Vladimir Putin warns the West about the real danger of nuclear war: the destruction of civilization


The speech came just two weeks before Russia's presidential election, in which the head of state will face no competition



The President of Russia, Wladimir PutinThis Thursday (29th) the Western powers warned of this “real” danger of nuclear war in case of direct involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. The statement was deemed “irresponsible” by the US.

At the time, the head of state warned of the “tragic consequences” of the possibility Deployment of Western military to help the Ukrainian nation in the conflict an opportunity that French President Emmanuel Macron mentioned earlier this week.

“[Os países] spoke of the possibility of sending Western military contingents to Ukraine […]“But the consequences of these interventions would be truly tragic,” Putin said during a speech to the nation defining the country’s priorities just two weeks earlier Presidential elections where you are not exposed to competition.

They would have to understand that we also have weapons capable of hitting targets in their territory. Everything they invent at this moment not only puts fear in the world, but also poses the real danger of a conflict in which nuclear weapons are used, which means the destruction of civilization.”

Wladimir Putin

President of Russia

In response to the president's comments, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller made comments classified the warning as “irresponsible”. and stressed that there are “no signs that Russia is preparing to use a nuclear weapon.”

This is not the first time we have seen irresponsible rhetoric from Vladimir Putin. It is not the way to speak for the leader of a nuclear state.”

Matthew Miller

Spokesperson for the US State Department

“Everything they are inventing at the moment not only puts fear in the world, but also poses the risk of a conflict in which nuclear weapons are used, which means the destruction of civilization,” he said.