Wolf Moon 2024: How and at what time can you see the first full moon of the year?

The year 2023 was full of spectacular astronomical phenomena and this year too events that will dazzle our eyes await us. A month January You'll appreciate the first; it is the first Full moon of the year, which is also called Wolf Moon or Cold Moon. You can't miss the opportunity to look up so your eyes can view the satellite in its maximum glory.

It is called Cold moon because it occurs precisely in winter, when the climate usually has the lowest temperatures. And he is known for it too Wolf Moon Since the large animals hibernate, these dogs take the opportunity to go out in packs. It is also the time of year when wolves howl due to the cold and lack of food.

The first full moon of the year is also known as the cold moon labeled Photo: Cuartoscuro

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When and what time will you see the first full moon of the year?

On December 27, 2023, the last one moon full I leave beautiful postcards all over the world and now this astronomical phenomenon is upon us again. So pay attention because the first full moon of the year can be seen here January 25th According to the National Astronomical Observatory, it will reach fullness in 2024, starting at 2:54 p.m. and ending at 6:54 p.m., representing the time of greatest visibility.

Almost a month later, the satellite of the country will dazzle with its impressive light next time moon The full event will take place on February 24th. We recommend you take a look at the lunar calendar if you don't want to miss the opportunity to see these beautiful full moons in 2024.

The next full moon will be on February 24th | Photo: Cuartoscuro

How to see the Wolf Moon?

The observatory reported that the Lobo moon can be seen without special lenses; you just have to look up to observe the phase of the moon. However, if you have the opportunity to view the satellite with a telescope, it will be beneficial as you will have the opportunity to even see its craters.

Lunar calendar 2024

Like every year, the moon goes through different lunar phases depending on where you are. The full moons are the most beautiful because when this astronomical phenomenon occurs, it is much larger than usual and regularly turns yellow. Colors that stand out in the darkness of the sky.

Full moons in 2024

  • January 25th
  • February 24th
  • 5. March
  • April 23rd
  • 23. May
  • June 21st
  • 21 July
  • August 19th
  • 17th of September
  • October 17th
  • 15th of November
  • 15th December

There will be 12 full moons this year | Photo: Cuartoscuro