World Economic Forum Beware of Utopians

World Economic Forum: Beware of Utopians!

The meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ends today. What is this high crowd to which the planet’s political and economic elite rush every year? Minister Fitzgibbon was there. And Chystia Freeland sits on the organization’s board of directors.


Despite its name, the EMB, founded by Klaus Schwab in 1971, is not about the economy. The ideology of the WEF revolves around the “stakeholder” model, a management theory that unashamedly transcends all the basics of economic argumentation. Put simply, this theory is, among other things, the application of “social justice” to governance.

The WEF’s mission is to “improve the state of the world”. It’s more than just political posturing, it’s a platform to influence public policy worldwide. It is large-scale interventionism against the backdrop of transhumanism, social credit, biometric surveillance, ecological change, etc.

During this political fair, oligarchs traveling in private jets also dream of a world where people ride bikes, eat bugs and take cold showers.

Surely it is honorable to want to improve the world. But hell is paved with good intentions, and history has proven suspicious of political utopians, no matter how noble their motives. Because, in the name of their ideals, they could invent government policies to warp reality and impose terrifying ways of life on powerless populations. It is enough to listen to the openly misanthropic remarks of Yuval Harari, a FEM confidante, to smell the foul odor emanating from Davos.


We need to hear what’s being said at the WEF, decipher what’s being whispered into our leaders’ ears and monitor what moral compass they bring with them. If necessary, do not hesitate to remind our leaders that in a democracy it is the elite that serve the aspirations of the people and not the other way around!

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