Diaz Canel in St Vincent and the Grenadines for the

Díaz Canel in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for the Celac Summit • Workers

The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, arrived this Thursday in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to attend the eighth Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), which will begin today, Friday.

dc sanvicente y grandinasPhoto: taken by PL

Upon his arrival at Argyle International Airport, the Head of State was received by Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel.

The president traveled accompanied by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez.

According to the presidency, the island is considered a peace zone.

The eighth Celac Summit will focus on pressing issues in the region, along with food security, health, climate change and peacekeeping, in search of consensus and possible solutions.

The 33-country bloc is a regional intergovernmental mechanism established in December 2011 to promote unity and political, economic, social and cultural integration.

With the conclave, St. Vincent and the Grenadines will say goodbye to its mandate at the head of the bloc, becoming the first member of the Caribbean Community to assume this responsibility.

Colombia will chair the Mechanism pro tempore in 2025 and the government's integration efforts include promoting green transition, connectivity and regional energy integration at the regional level.