End of track 42 in the US live News and

End of track 42 in the US, live: News and Latest on Migrants, Borders and More

48 minutes ago

Watch the moment migrants turn themselves in to authorities after Title 42 ends

47 minutes ago

This was the end of track 42 on the Mexico-United States border

17 minutes ago

Some counties on the US-Mexico border are declaring a state of disaster after Title 42 expires

For the past two days, US border officials reported that more than 10,000 migrants were being detained daily, setting a record for daily encounters and continuing a rising trend in border arrests. And an estimated 155,000 migrants are in shelters and on the streets of Mexico’s northern states that border the United States, a source familiar with the federal estimates said this week.

Prior to the expiration of Title 42, disaster declarations were made in Cameron and Hidalgo counties in south Texas to free up state and federal resources in the authorities’ response. Read the whole story here.