Europe Discontent among European farmers is growing

Europe | Discontent among European farmers is growing

The president of the French farmers' association FNSEA said his organization would publish a list of 40 measures needed to improve farmers' working conditions.


French farmers demonstrated in several cities across the country and in Brussels on Wednesday against low wages and what they see as excessive bureaucracy. The protesters are part of a growing wave of anger among agricultural producers across the European Union.

The movement, which has blocked several roads and highways in France, has spread across the country in recent days. France, the largest agricultural producer in the EUreceives a total of 9 billion euros in subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) every year, the largest share of all member states.

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Arnaud Rousseau, president of the French farmers' union FNSEA, said his organization would release a list of 40 measures that they consider necessary.

General dissatisfaction

There have been protests by farmers in recent weeks Germany, Netherlands and Romania against EU regulations and for various other reasons related to the local food industry.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will take over the chairmanship on Thursday Strategic dialogue around agriculture and the green transition, amid growing polarization in Europe.

This meeting, which was planned before the demonstrations began, coincides with the Mass protests from farmers in several European countries.

An agreement with Ukraine

In Poland the new government of Donald Tusk wants to sign an agreement with Ukraine on the transit of agricultural products to calm growing tensions between transport companies and farmers in the country.

According to the head of government, the agreement would protect the interests of Polish farmers from an uncontrolled influx of goods from Ukraine. Farmers protested more than 150 places in Poland.

Farmers reject both the uncontrolled flow of goods from Ukraine and the introduction of the European Green Deal, which obliges Europe's farmers to do so reduce production.

Two weeks of protests

In Romania, farmers and transport companies They do not give up their demands after more than 14 consecutive days of demonstrations in the country. The demonstrators have said they are dissatisfied with the measures announced by the Romanian government.

According to the demonstrators, the associations have held discussions with the executive and agreed on some measures they do not represent them and they have announced that they will not stop the protests until their demands are met.

Greek farmers join the demonstrations

Farmers in Greece have also expressed dissatisfaction with high production costs Compensations paid. Farmers in Larissa tried to block traffic on the national highway with tractors, while in Karditsa, after negotiations with police, it was decided to break through police barricades on foot instead of tractors, forcing authorities to stop all traffic on the E65.

The farmers are demanding 100 percent compensation for this Crop losses due to natural disasters and disease, as well as building infrastructure to protect agriculture from extreme weather events and cleaning sewers and bridge underpasses to prevent future flooding.